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~Benjamin Knowles~

"لا يا أبي، لقد كنت منشغلًا بصفوفي وعملي ونسيت الاتصال به، لقد زرت جدي بالفعل ويبدو أنه في حال لا يا أبي، لقد كنت منشغلًا بصفوفي وعملي ونسيت"
("No, Dad, I was busy with my classes and work and forgot to call. I already visited grandfather and he seems to be doing well.")

"نعم لقد سمعت عنك وعن صديقتك، هل تحب أن يذكر جدها أنك كنتم عيونًا غولًا في المساء"
("Yes, I heard about you and your friend. Do you like her? grandfather mention that you were googly eyes in the evening?") His teasing tone didn't help me either

"Papa what did you really called for"

"I can't catch up with my son now?"

"Yeah but It's a bit strange that you called"

"I want to know if you want to come join me October 30"

"I wish but I made plans around that time maybe rain check?"

"Okay mister popular I'll let you go now"

"أحبك يا أبي"
Returning back to get myself dressed for the day ahead I gave myself a once over before heading out to meet up with the guys

"Finally I thought you was about to take a whole nother shower" marcelo drapes his arms across my shoulders "Antonio did some networking and I'm happy to announce that we got invited to a party at 10 tonight"

"You sure party alot marc"

"We only live once"

"I was planning on chilling with Leo tonight"

"Y'all hangout last night come on don't forget about us here" Mark complain

"Guys I'll go another time I promise just not tonight"

"Come on the kid got a crush let them be" Antonio pulled me in by the neck messing with my hair

"Knock it off or I'm telling my grandma"

The girls had finally join us leading to all of us going to get our daily dose of caffeine

"Rumor has it destiny has a crush on you Ben"


"You are the only Benjamin Knowles at this school"

"That's cool I guess"

"Are you going to make a move" Henry asked

"I would have if I wasn't set on someone already"

They already knew this I believe they were trying to get a rise out of me

"Leonor" I called to get her attention way from her friends "walk with me?"


"Why you gotta answer me like that I just wanted your company"

"You know she's not trying to be your friend"

"I'm not interested in her princess"

"But she interested in you Benny" she frowned "stop acting like it's okay cause it's not it bothers me"

"There's a lot of guys interested in you some how I ended up being the one you get jealous about I'm honored"

"It's not funny, your not friends tell her that next time"

"Yes ma'am I actually wanted to tell you that I'll be going with you for your birthday"

"Really your mom said it's okay?"

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