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~Benjamin Knowles~

"why are you still looking so down knowles?" Henry looked at me we were in our second class of the day

"Leonor told me that this was a mistake I've tried everything and to make it worst that guy is trying my patience"

"she's being influenced look who's her friends " Mark said

"cheer up will you there's plenty of girls in the school you can talk to" Antonio tells

"but I don't want them I want leo"

"your love sick it's disgusting" Antonio frowned

"not everyone would be like you tonio" Marcelo scolded him "if you want we can talk to her for you"

"no leave me in my great depression "

"that's it when this class is over your going to talk to your girlfriend" Henry left no room for arguments

"she doesn't want to talk Daniel said to give her space that's what I'm going to do"

"if your talking about your cousin then take my advice and talk to her"

"but she's playing in my face"

"I'd say you go hang out with dessy that'll get the princess attention it works for me" Antonio shrugs

"I'll suggest getting some flowers"

"that's bare minimum anyone can receive flowers"

"she has a whole country she'll appreciate the littlest thing it shows you care" Marcelo scolded me

"okay where am I going to find flowers"

"your mom has a flowerist on speed dail"

"I don't have their number"

"we can go into town ditch the first half of lunch?" Mark suggested

the guys seemed to be down for it so I messaged the twins

"José said he'll have the car waiting"

"we gotta get you into more kicks your a billionaire kid you need some heat"

"your going off mission tonio"

"aye I'm just trying to help you outta your funk "

"I'm fine" but let me find out that Gabriel been trying it

"I'm fine" but let me find out that Gabriel been trying it_

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