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~Benjamin Knowles ~

"ben!" I stopped in my tracks looking around spotted Destiny coming my way


"you've been avoiding me "

"I've been away"

"oh okay where are you off to now?"

"the garden"

"you mind if I join you?"

"No.. I'm meeting my friends we're busy"

"I'll just walk with you" she insisted

"Okay, I guess just give me some space, will you?" there was no need to be grabbing my arm like that

she laughed it off taking two steps away

'good enough' I told myself resuming my journey

I figured the silence would have ran her off but nope she followed every step

Henry, Mark, Antonio and Marcelo was there already

"you didn't say you were bringing a plus one" Henry's tone was all to familiar he eyed the girl that stood a few feet behind me

"she followed me" I held me hand up

"your friend ain't gonna like this" Antonio tells out a low laugh "hey dessy"

he was messy he lived for drama

ignoring him I sat between Marcel and Mark

they stayed up late finishing their assignments no one told them to abuse their adult privilege but who am I to judge

"Ben I got the most glorifying girls number when you and you know who went of ya'll lil getaway you should have seen her" Marcelo gushed "ella es una obra de arte"

"Good for you my friend" I patted his face

"Why are you still standing here" Mark exclaimed "be gone"

our heads turned back to the girl

she flipped him the bird approaching me pulling me into a hug by my head

"your friends are rude see you around" she left

I had to blink twice it was very random why this girl I barely speak to touched me...again

"Why was she here?" Gabriella questioned she was our housemate a very outspoken girl that doesn't hold her tongue

usually she's always with Leonor so I know she wasn't far behind

of course I searched for those eyes between the five pairs

I felt as if I had broke grandma's flowerpot the way they were looking at me

"it's been three days and your already picking up on Antonio's cheating behaviors?"

"he did no such thing the kid is innocent"

"shut up Mark I'm not speaking to you"

"well Gabriella my friend did no such thing he's not your boy Antonio"

"how am I in it?" Antonio exclaimed

"cause that's you 24/7?" Marcelo filled him in as if he was the slowest person on earth

I appreciate the help but I don't need a spoke person

"can you all go on without us? we'll catch up" all this drama around a relationship that doesn't concern them well one or two but besides the point

"do you want us to stay" gabriella asked leonor

"gabby respectfully try fixing your blood sucking relationship before you try interfering what doesn't concern you no offense tonio"

"mhm none taken I'm use to this"

I'm guessing I got my point across Henry was the last to leave

"walk with me leo" knowing our group they're probably right on the stairs "stop frowning"

"you said she's not your friend but she hugged you"

"I barley call it a hug if I didn't return it"

"she had your head crushed between her cleavage that's more than a hug you didn't even move"

"How was I supposed to respond amor I was surprised she even did that"

"I knew this wouldn't work"

"Leo that was nothing please don't make this more than it is"

"then stop being friendly with everyone!" I'm left flabbergasted "your to laid back that leaves them an open opportunity to think they have a chance with you especially that blood sucker" 

"but i didn't do anything"

"exactly you didn't even when we spoke about this topic already you need to do something about her until then you don't get to be mad about gabriel"

"that's bullshit"

"your telling me?"

"leo parent day is next week"

"and what about it?" her frown never left her faces "grandma and bey will be here we're on good terms they don't have to do anything for me you do and as my boyfriend I shouldn't have to talk about to same person twice your doing a bad job"

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