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~Leonor Borbón Ortiz~

"you didn't have to come here you know I could have walked across the hall" the gesture was sweet I'll give him that

"see when I'm trying to do right by you I get complaints"

"I'm not complaint amor I'm just saying"

"well I wanted to see you faster"

"where are we going Benny"

"a movie theater there's this Disney movie I want to watch and your into these things it'll be fun I promise" I giggled act his excitement "what?"

"es que nunca antes te había visto emocionado por ver una película"

"I've been excited to watch movies before you just didn't see and this is descendants it's something I've liked watching growing up and I thought you'd like it so I had mom pull a few strings and
now we have a theater to ourselves I want us to have our privacy without people harassing you"

"that's very thoughtful thank you"

"you don't have to thank me for putting your safety first I don't know how your secuirty usually do it with all those people but Juan and Jose are the best plus I'll protect you" he flexed his muscles

his arms are the best when it's wrapped around me it feels safe there

"I know you will amor"

"good we're off to see the best Disney movie of the century after princess and the frog do you have everything?" I nodded

he allowed me to get in the car before him something I've realized he always does he was always one step behind me and he never let me walk behind him he says it's not safe

Benjamin was the most mature teenager and I believed that's what made me attracted to him, that and he's big on family something I hope I'd be able to one day experience one of my own

"if your friends ask you where we're going tell them you don't know I don't want them coming and ruining our date night"

"why don't you like my friends?"

"it's not that I don't like them, it's Gabby I can't take, she's what I'd call a bit pushy putting herself in places she shouldn't be a lady shouldn't carry herself that way but the rest seems fine I don't have reasons to speak to them if it has nothing to do with you"

"Antonio is the same way"

"he has his limits he usually pushes anything he thinks that affects his aura to the side it's probably why he and Gabby are on and off who knows" he shrugged it off "hows class going is there anyone I need to deal with?"

"tu amigo destino me ha estado dando miradas" I looked for a reaction on his face but I knew he was staring off it's no
point "but I know I'm pretty so it doesn't really bother me I have nothing to be afraid of"

"once she's not telling you anything, I'll deal with her okay?" he brought my hand up to his face kissing near my knuckle

"no yo won't I don't want her thinking your trying to befriend her again"

"whatever you say princess" my face heated up letting my hair cascade down to hide my smile

I liked when he called me princess it felt different from when the others use it it made me feel ...weird inside

"I told you don't call me that" I whined

"why? I like to see you getting all shy on me especially because you did the same to me it's only fair"

"it's weird"

"your literally a princess mi amor just say you like when I call you by your title" he brought his face just a few inches away from mine "tell me princess " dropping his voice he husked "do you like when I make you feel like this" his eye's pierced into mines

that feeling came back and for the first time I couldn't handle this intimate moment, my lip trapped between my teeth lowering my eyes

"eye's up here babygirl" he smiled "is that what you want? for me to kiss you?"

"please" he leans in

"as much as I want to we've stopped moving" he pulled back all the way "you should wear your coat it's cold outside I don't want to be the reason you catch the cold" he return to his usually self

whoever taught him how to do that is really trying my patience that wasn't fair

"Leo what's wrong?"

"n-nothing, I'm okay"

"okay you look like you've seen ghost"

"funny" he grinned pecking my forehead wrapping his arm around my waist hugging me

"i guess Daniel was onto something if it has you distant"

"I needed to speak with Daniel"

"he'll be here next week but enough of him the movie is gonna start Juan will get us food" I was sweep off my feet ben started running

"Ben stop people can see!"

"they signed a non-disclosure agreement relax let me help you live in the moment" he's crazy

he let me down in the theater room

"you went through all of that just to show affection"

"well yes I want to love on you without having to worry about the press getting photos of us"

it made me happy to know he thought out every little detail he was really one of a kind

"I don't know how to thank you Ben"

"you don't have to this is my way of making it up to you so I think we're good now"

"you were forgive awhile ago"

"I know, you can't ignore me I'm to pretty you were just fronting and playing with the boy's life"

"your not going to do anything to him so I don't know why you talking like your about that action"

"I may not get my hands dirty but I'll have him gone in broad daylight Leo I don't want to see you smiling in guys faces especially knowing how they feel about you"

"I'm sorry, but if I see you speaking to her again"

"there won't be any again"

"okay" the light turned off "Ben?"

"I'm right here girl" he held my hand "when I told you I'll protect you I didn't know darkness was in the equation"

"shut up it's not funny" he navigated us a seat almost to the top he sat with me in his arms and it felt right

right here is where I belonged


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