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~Benjamin Knowles~

Landing at the airport was easy going unnoticed was another story

I've sucked at that recently

"Benny your making me nervous why are you staring off like that"

"It's nothing serious"

"We spoke on this already Ben stop doing that"

"I'm serious this time it's really nothing mon amour"

"Well my security detail is ready"

I followed her out descending the aircraft it was then I took notice how different we were yet so similar they greeted her so warmly while allowing her to have space that wasn't possible at home

"Este es Benjamín, es un buen amigo, Ben this is Ariel he's the head of my security team" I shook his hand he had a firm grip almost as if he was trying to break my hand the twins didn't seem pleased with his gesture but I'm thankful they act accordingly

She proceeded to explain the two men that followed us to the car were my bodyguards

"Is your hand okay Mr.Knowles?"

"All good José" once the blood circulation gets back right

"We're not letting that go again" Juan stated he eyed the man up front

"It's fine see" I raised it higher their view "he just has a good grip I'm staying with Leonor that car back there is for y'all" they nodded but didn't leave until I was fully inside the car

"Juan wants Ariel's head apparently"

"He a tough guy to deal with sorry about your hand"

"No worries princess, what are you doing today?"

"Nothing today other than finding something to wear for the concert tomorrow and a dress for the awards"

"Okay is there anything I should know before hand royal protocols aren't my strong suit"

"Your suppose to bow but dad prefers to just shake his hand you won't be doing all of that your my guest don't worry about protocols"

"I'd like to at least be aware of the rules and regulations"

"Just do what Sofia does"

"Why not you"

"I have more responsibilities as of right now I'm preparing to start my 3 years of military training when we graduate" I forgot about that process with the heir to the throne

"You'll be stronger than me at the end of it" I tried getting her to smile

"You won't forget about me will you?"

"I'll be supporting you anywhere in the world my love, besides it'll be difficult to do so if I wanted to, you brain washed my relatives"

"You will have to visit Spain for every event I want to see you when I'm not at training"

It then dawned on me that being with her means to pack up everything and move to spain am I willing to do that?

"I'll try my best"

"Incluso si las cosas no salen como queremos, te querré cerca" (Even if things doesn't go the way we want it to I'll want you around)

"Now you're worrying me"

"I'm just saying bambi"

"I understand"

Her hands crept in mine giving it a squeeze locking eyes with her I believe it happened in this moment when my heart made a home for the princess waiting on her arrival

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