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Part 60

Klein dragged his lips down to her jaw and Andy angled her head so he could trail his kisses to the hollow on her neck.

"Klein," his name came out like a whimper from her lips especially when he nibbled on her skin.

His hands also wandered free from her hips up to the waistband of her shorts, and up . . . inside her shirt to the bare skin around her waist.

Andy shivered from his touch. It was burning against her skin she needed to breathe twice.

His lips trailed further down to her collarbones and Andy inched even closer to him, draping her arms on his shoulders just so he could kiss her more when his fingers grazed along her spine to the clasp of her brassiere.

He undid it so easily Andy was just surprised, but she didn't put too much attention on it due to the bundle in her lower abdomen.

It stings. And she wasn't sure why her exterior feels extra warm she feels like she could burn anything she'd touch.

Klein skillfully removed her top along with her brassiere and he thought Andy would feel shy about it.

But he didn't get anything, just her cheeks in crimson blush, her lips slightly parted, and her eyes seemingly lost in a haze.

And she was so beautiful.

Somehow Last Wednesday Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon