Chapter 1

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A/N: Ahhhhhhh shocker, I published this two days ahead of schedule! I am so excited to start the sequel! If you have not read the first Puppy Pack book i strongly urge you to do so!

Please read the warnings in the summary of this book before continuing! It won't be as horror focused as the first one but still contains dark and mature themes <3

Please note, this chapter contains flashbacks of detailed child abuse... This is not light hearted and will be sad. Please, read with caution.

There will always be chapter warnings regarding this topic as I never want to trigger anyone. So feel free to skip the scene when it appears.

The echo's of screaming rang through Liam's head, running faster then he thought he was capable of he followed the cries to the barn. "oh no..." Liam said after catching the scent of blood and poison.

Not just any poison, wolfsbane.

Grabbing the stair railing he pulled himself up faster, hurrying until he reached what looked to be a crime scene. Nolan's flushed and broken face immediately saddened Liam. But nothing had prepared him for the sight of Brett below him, "no, no..." Liam said.

Theo was slowly walking behind him, "Liam..." he said. The beta didn't respond instead he immediately grabbed Nolan and pulled him off the ground.

"Nolan, look at me," Liam said, but the boy was a mess.

A broken mess, his hair falling in his face as the tears had it sticking to his skin. His nose and cheeks flushed a soft pink colour as his pouty lips were wet. His hands coated in blood and black ink, "Nolan, he'll be okay. He's strong, really strong," Liam said.

Nolan shook his head as sobs wrecked his body, feeling his knees buck as Liam fought to hold him upright. Not liking the heartbroken sight of his friend, "Hey, he will be okay," Liam said wiping Nolan's fresh tears.

Theo found himself bowing at Brett's body, despite their difference's he had grown quite fond of him. Their banter often amused them both and they knew deep down they would fight for each other.

He could hear his heartbeat, it was faint. "Liam, we need to get him out of here," Theo said, Liam turned to face him.

He nodded, "Get him out of here, we'll meet you at your truck," Liam said, giving Theo the nod to go without him.

Grabbing Brett from under his arms he began to drag him down the stairs, muttering apologies when Brett's head would hit the stairs every few steps. Continuing to drag him until he was met with Scott at the bottom who helped lead Brett

"Ga- he's here Liam, he's here," Nolan sobbed. Liam's worried blue eyes met Nolan's frightened ones, "What..." he said.

Nolan gripped Liam's suit jacket, "Gabe.... It's him he's here," Nolan said breathlessly.

Liam felt his heart drop at that name, he's dead... right? "That can't be, he can't be... Nolan he's dead" Liam said, his lack of confidence in his words spoke volumes.

Nolan shook his head, "No... No, he did this Liam. He stabbed Brett," Nolan said in a panicked tone.

Liam nodded, he couldn't do anything about it right now, their focus should be Brett. "Come on, we'll deal with him tomorrow, we need to go with Brett," he said in a calm tone despite his fear and anger.

Walking back down the stairs Liam shielded Nolan with his body, trying to avoid anyone from seeing the blood. Passing Scott he gave him a nod of appreciation, Nolan letting go of Liam and jumping into the truck.

"Liam, what's going on?" Scott asked confused, Liam sighed.

"I think the hunters are back, but I can handle it," Liam said.

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