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—Reaper's POV—

There was an emptiness to Nightmare's mansion. 

For the first time in a long time, Reaper felt out of place. He didn't know what to do, what to say. He should've been indifferent, like he had been these past few centuries... but now... 

He felt... anxious. 

Settling on the back of his couch, he overlooked what had become of the house. Error, Lust, Dust, all tending to their wounds, Killer and Cross taking care of Nightmare...Heh. He felt a slight chuckle force its way past his teeth seeing the negative god's passive form slumped on the carpet like that. How long had it been since him and Dream actually fought? The more optimistic of the two had gotten a lot of lucky shots in the past...

Then there was Horror. 

Reaper sighed, seeing the large skeleton mourning at the base of the stairs. He was sure you weren't dead... very sure... he hadn't sensed you with him... yet. Give it some decades, and you'd join him. But presently, he wasn't sure where you were. 

A part of him wondered if Dream somehow wound up successful. Stealing you away and taking back to the OmegaVerse like his plans read. It wasn't very likely, but... But with a passive Nightmare and you missing being all the remains of the brutal battle that likely broke out between the twins... it was anyone's guess.

Oh, how he hoped he wasn't right. 

Sighing, the deathly god floated up from his couch. Time for some coffee. Today was going to be very... interesting. He could tell he was going to need it if he didn't want to get delirious and start saying dumb shit. That... wouldn't be very good right now. 

Brewing some warm, dark, caffeinated coffee, Reaper barely noticed Killer waltzing in to grab some warm water from the tap. Black eyes scrutinized the floating skeleton just a few feet away, glaring as the sound of water filling a cup spewed throughout the kitchen. 

For some reason, the silence was thick. So, logically, Killer broke it. 

"Hey! Reaper!" He called over the sound of rushing water. Immediately Reaper turned to him, a lazy grin pasted over his truly uneasy one. He wasn't too confident when his gaze met the empty expanse that was Killer's eyes. "So what's with you huh?" 

"What's with me? What do you mean?" He poured his coffee in to his mug and took a sip, cringing at the bitterness, but he quickly recomposed... too late now. 

"I mean," Killer started, hissing as he shut off the water. "What the hell is with you and ghosting us when it's time for our missions!" He looked pretty pissed. 

Thinking for a moment, Reaper looked Killer up and down. He took in the scuff marks all along the skeleton's frame, black smeared across his face, clothes ripped and ruffled... no wonder he was jealous of Reaper. Reaper, the one who escaped all that to do something no one knew about. 

"Well, I'm a god!" Reaper dismissed easily, slipping the lie right past his teeth. Well, not a complete lie. Just not the full truth. "I can do whatever I want. Including be out of sight for a few minutes while you and your friends torture the innocent." 

Killer glared harder, the plastic cup in his hand creaking when he gripped it. 

"Bullshit." He accused, tone low and venomous. Reaper cocked a brow. Wasn't this quite the topic! Just how long had Killer been letting all that stew in his skull? "I know you're probably doing some freaky shit..." His face twisted into a cruel grin. "Just what are you doing?"

"Well, I didn't know I was such a hot topic." Reaper said, shrugging. Under his hood, he started sweating. He really didn't have the energy to have this chat right now... he wanted to nap more than anything else. "How long have you been speculating in that skull of yours? There something specific you're waiting to hear?" 

"For your information, I've been waiting since day one!" Killer snapped, setting the cup down on the counter as he crossed his arms. "It's just... today finally clicked something in my head." 

"That uh, great, buddy." Reaper sighed, pushing off the counter and slowly floating towards the door. "But um, I don't know what to tell you." 

He was halfway to the door when hard bone gripped his arm, grabbing his cloak rather roughly. 

"I'm not taking that for an answer." Killer growled, about as dark as his voice could go. "I suggest—"

He was cut off when Reaper swiftly grabbed him by the throat and pinned him against the wall, his eye sockets just as empty as Killer's. 

"I suggest, you keep your nose out of my business." Reaper said, tone ominously low. Killer instinctively moved to claw at the grip on his throat, but his struggle only made things worse. "I don't want to repeat myself anymore, ok? We're done here." 

Dropping the intrusive, nosy skeleton, Reaper dusted off his bony hands and floated away. He sipped lukewarm coffee on his way to his room, trying not to dwell on what just happened. He couldn't have everyone onto him this early in the game... last time they were... different. Almost more naive. 

Welp, challenge accepted. It was the only way he was going to find any fun around here anyways. 

Now he just needed to figure out what was up with you...


Ok ok!! That is probably the last bit of flip flopping perspectives!! It's about you anyways, kinda weird to go to another point of view... makes y/n feel more like a character than a reader imo, so this is the last of it! Probably!

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

- De Moogus 

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