Safe Haven~

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That night, Woody tossed with body of Buzz into the trashcan. "Come on." Woody whispered. Jessie nodded.
"Where are we going?" Jessie asked quietly. "To the dump to get rid of his body." Woody said. "Oh right." Jessie said. "Shh, don't need a cop running after us at this hour hunny." Woody said, holding her. "I'm scared." Jessie said. "Don't worry darlin." Woody said. Once in the truck, Jessie covered the body with another bag. This bag was thicker, and the blackness of the bag was that of a pitch black haunted woods.
"Come on." Woody said to her, holding her hand in his. "I knew I never trusted him!" Woody said. "I know." Jessie said. "Look what he did to you, he hurt you, I can't have another minute of his bullshit. You're mine now Jessie, you know how much I- I care about you. Since Bo and Maryanne died, I have felt nothing but pain and loss of loving someone. Until you came in my life, I knew that I was going to be okay." Woody said, in tears. "Oh Woody, I wish I knew sooner when Maryanne and Bo died." Jessie said to him. "I wanted to tell you, I was not able to find the words to form that into a sentence. It was that hard for me to do. Darlin, please now that I love-" Woody paused. "I love you Jessie, lemme pull over here. We're at the dump anyways." Woody said. "I love you too Woody." Jessie said. Woody smiled. "Help me hunny." Woody said, opening the tailgate. "Yeah." Jessie said. Once they threw the body- Woody kisses Jessie. "Come on let's go home." Woody told her. Once in the truck, Jessie sat next to Woody. "You're body is so warm." Woody said. "Only for you." Jessie said, flirting with him. Once they get home, Woody wanted to tell what he was trying to say in the truck- he was nervous to tell in her face, and in public. "Jessie, come here hunny, sit on the bed with me. I wanna tell you something, that I was trying to say in the truck." Woody said. "Like what Woody?" Jessie asked. "I love you Jessie, ever since you left to be with Buzz, I wanted you ever since then. I never wanted you to leave me like all alone, I was on my own, for a long time. I love you Jessie, stay with me forever, I never want to lose you again." Woody said. Jessie nearly cried. "Really you felt bad for me since I left to be with Buzz?" Jessie asked. Woody nodded. "My lone disorder was even acting up dear." Woody said. Jessie felt her heart sink. Woody took off Jessie's hat. "Lay with me darlin." Woody said to her, pulling her closer to him. Jessie touched his face, giving him lil kisses on his cheeks and buff shoulders. "Your lips feel so good on my skin." Woody said to her, kissing Jessie's lips. "Don't ever let me go Woody." Jessie said. "Never darlin, never." Woody said, kissing Jessie that night. Later on in the night, Jessie was in the shower, Woody was sleeping. Jessie was trying to be quiet. "Darlin? Where are you?" Woody asked, as he woke up. "In the shower." Jessie said. Woody got up and wanted to see Jessie in the shower.
"Can I see you in the shower?" Woody asked.. "Of course." Jessie said to him. Woody smiled as he opened up the door of the bathroom. "You're so hot Jessie." Woody said, kissing her lips again. "Woody, you're showing a lot of affection tonight. What's wrong?" Jessie asked. "Nothing, just happy that I'm with my dream girl again, and forever." Woody said. Jessie looked at Woody, "What's wrong Jessie?" Woody asked. Jessie kisses Woody. "Oh baby." Jessie said to him, in a tearful voice. "Whoa Jessie, what's wrong darlin?" Woody asked.
"I know I'm safe, but my mind playing tricks on me, but half of me still thinking that Buzz is still here." Jessie said. "Oh darlin, shh. I'm here for you." Woody said, rubbing her back. "I've got you baby, you're in my safe haven, my arms are your home darlin." Woody said. Jessie looked at him. "Woody, will you be my cowboy?" Jessie asked. Woody looked at her. "Of course my baby." Woody said. Jessie gets up, to go upstairs. "Where you goin?" Woody asked. "Follow me." Jessie teased him. "Oh I love the sound of that." Woody said, walking up the steps. "Lay on me darlin." Woody said. Jessie laid down on Woody's bare chest. "You're so hot Woody." Jessie said. "That's all you baby." Woody said, grabbing Jessie's ass. "Oh Woody, you're intimate tonight." Jessie said to him. "You're mine now Jessie, all mine." Woody said, kissing her neck. That night,
Jessie and Woody made love in the bed. Woody was on top of Jessie, kissing her. Woody will never let go of Jessie. Woody loves her too much. "Darlin, I wanna show you off somewhere. Like where there are neon lights." Woody said. Jessie smiled at him. "Yeah, of course." Jessie said. Woody smiled. "Go get ready darlin." Woody said. Jessie nodded.. Once they were ready to go for Woody to go show her off. "You ready?" Woody asked. Jessie nodded. "That's my girl." Woody said. Jessie was looking at Woody.
"Darlin, you so hot." Woody said. Jessie blushed. "Aw Woody." Jessie said, kissing him lips. Woody leaned over to kiss her lips. "Kiss me all night darlin, make love to me." Woody said. Jessie looked at him and said- "Okay daddy." Jessie said. Woody smiled at her. "Did you just call me daddy?" Woody asked in a low voice. Jessie smiled. Woody held Jessie in his arms, that night as they made love.
Woody kisses Jessie's neck. Woody was stroking the fur tail on her body. Woody kisses Jessie's body. Jessie moans~
"I am so glad you left Buzz for me baby." Woody said, kissing her lips. Jessie held him in her arms. "Never let me go." Woody said, to her. "Never." Jessie said to him, kissing his lips. "Marry me one day Jessie, I can't live my life without you darlin." Woody said. Jessie looked at him. "What's wrong darlin?" Woody asked. "Kiss me." Woody said. Jessie smiled at him. The next morning,
Jessie found a note sitting on the bed.
my sweetest Jessie, darlin;
if you found this note i have left to go get something for us today. I will be home in a little while. I love you.
you'll forever be my Jessie.
woody. you're everything.

Jessie reads the note:
"Aw Woody." Jessie said, getting up form the bed. Jessie placed the note in her drawer of things Woody has given her.
Once Woody came back. "Where's my sweet Jessie?" Woody asked, closing the door. "Over here Woody." Jessie said, running to him.
"I missed you so much." Woody said to her, kissing her lips.

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