Safe Haven

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The next morning, Jessie was still asleep. Woody has his days where his work will allow him to have days on the job and days off the job, he has days on and off from the sheriff's line of duty.
Woody was working form home, checking emails, looking at reports, everything, while he was in a blanket, shirtless, watching the news on Tv, with his coffee. Jessie came down the stairs, she wanted to be with Woody in his lap, wrapped in the blanket he was in, feeling his shirtless body on her body. "Darlin, mornin'. You're up early." Woody said. "I wanted you, so  I came down here." Jessie said. "Oh hunny, com'ere, you look so exhausted." Woody said, softly, as he lifted on the blanket, for Jessie to go back to sleep with him on the couch. "Go to sleep babygirl." Woody said, rubbing her back. "I will." Jessie said, as she cuddled in the lap, for her to go back to sleep. Woody
Jessie was cuddled up next to Woody as he was on his laptop. Jessie than began to wake up. "Hey baby." Woody said. "Hey my sweet cowboy." Jessie said, kissing his soft sexy lips. "How's the work on the laptop coming along?" Jessie asked, as sat up on the couch. "Good, I've got the updates about Buzz, and he will be going to another prison." Woody said. "Good." Jessie said. Woody smiled. "Yeah, I'm so glad have this shcedule where I can spend time with you, and do things." Woody said. "Yeehaw!" Jessie hollered. "Aw darlin' you're so cute." Woody said, as he kissed her neck. "What do you wanna do today?" Woody asked. "Can you show me off at a bar?" Jessie asked. "Of course,darlin, I've been so busy, I have not done that yet." Woody said. "Woody, it's okay. I understand." Jessie said. Woody smiled at her. "Go get ready hunny." Woody said. "Okay." Jessie said, as she went to go get ready. Woody went to put on his brown hat, he left on his yellow shirt and blue jeans and black boots. Jessie wore a bandana skirt and a pink and white blouse, with her white and pink boots and light pink hat. "How I do look?" Jessie asked spinning and twriling around. "You look so beautiful." Woody said, as he went to kiss his wife. "Are those the boots you were for our wedding hunny?" Woody asked, getting emotional. "Yes." Jessie said, hugging him. "They still and will always look so good on you." Woody said, kissing her neck. "Aww Woody." Jessie said,interlocking her fingers in his. "Let's go." Woody said, grabbing his truck keys. "Yeah." Jessie said. Once out the door, Woody unlocked his truck. "Did you wash the truck?" Jessie asked. "Yeah, this bitch was flithy as hell." Woody said, laughing. Jessie giggled. "Also Woody, I dyed my hair, a darker red." Jessie said, as she got in the truck. "Darlin, I love it." Woody said, stroking her hair. "You love it?" Jessie asked. "Darlin, I love it, it makes your eyes pop more." Woody said, kissing her pink soft sweet lips. Woody pulled something out of his pocket. "Here darlin, I made this one night when you were still in bed, when that thing was still goin' on." Woody said, handing her a necklace in the shape of a horseshoe. "Woody, you made this?" Jessie asked. "Yes." Jessie said, kissing him. "Let's go hunny." Woody said, as he turned the truck on. "Where do you wanna go?" Woody asked. "That bar where we went to when we first met." Jessie said. Woody smiled, as he backed up the truck out of the driveway. "Let's go beautiful." Woody said. Once at the bar, Woody and Jessie looked at the bar. "This bar brings back memories." Jessie said. "It does doesn't hunny?" Woody asked. Yeah, holy shit." Jessie said. Woody opened the door of his truck, to let Jessie off of the truck. "Let's go hunny." Woody said. Jessie and Woody walked all over the town, looking at the neon lights.
"Let's go in that bar you told me about." Woody said. "Okay." Jessie said.
They then found the bar. "There it is babe." Woody said. "Wow, it never changed. "Holy shit, there it is." Jessie said, as she walked up the ramp. "Ready Woody?" Jessie asked. "Hell yeah." Woody said. "Whoa, it still looks the same." Woody said. Jessie and Woody walked around. "Wow." Woody said. "Mr. and Mrs.Carson. Good you see you here again." The bartender said. "The
mechanical bull is still here." Jessie said. "Holy." Woody said. "Get on it cowgirl, com'on." Woody said. "OKay!' Jessie excalimed as she climbed on the bull. "Yeehaw! Go on cowgirl!" Woody exclaimed. Jessie stayed on the bull for the entire 8 seconds! "Yeehaw!" Jessie hollered. "Your turn Woody." Jessie said, grabbing her hat. Woody got on the bull. "Yeehaw you go cowboy!" Jessie exclaimed. Woody was a bull rider when him and Jessie were dating. "Stay on there for the full 8 seconds Woody! You cna do this!" Jessie hollered. Woody looked at her, smiled. The bull kept running, til the full 8 seconds. "Yeehaw!" Jessie hollered. "I did it hunny." Woody said, kissing Jessie's lips. "We are so glad you're here with us Woody and Jessie." The bartender said. "Thank you, it's good to be here." Woody said. That night, at the bar there was a line dance contest. Woody and Jessie were in the contest. "Yeehaw look at you go baby!" Woody said, through the loud music. Jessie and Woody danced all night. Until the music stopped.
"Ready to go home?" Woody asked. " Yes." Jessie said, as she wrapped her arms around Woody's neck. "Aww, you're so beautiful." Woody said, kissing her lips. "I love you so much Jessie." Woody said. "Let's go home." Woody said, holding her hand in his. "Yeah." Jessie said smiling. "That was so much fun!" Jessie exclaimed. "It was. I love going out with you." Woody said, kissing Jessie's lips under a neon light. "I remember when I left Bo, when she was having a lot of issues in our relationship, I left her and I remember when I asked you to meet me by this here neon light." Woody said. "I remember that." Jessie said. Woody got his keys for his truck. "Let's go home Jessie." Woody said. Once in the truck, Woody helped Jessie in the truck. "Jessie, I wanna worship you so badly, once we get home, I'm goin' to worship you like that princess you are to me." Woody said. Jessie smiled. "Okay you sexy cowboy." Jessie said. "My darlin, you're so special to me." Woody said, kissing his wife's hand. Once home, Woody turned off his truck, and he opened the truck door for Jessie. "Com'on, I wanna worship you darlin." Woody said. Woody softly pinned Jessie to the wall. "Come with me." Woody said, as he walked to the bedroom. Once the bedroom, Jessie followed her husband to the bedroom. "Lay down hunny." Woody said. Jessie nodded. "Good girl." Woody said. Woody took off his shirt. "Do you love me?" Woody asked. "Yes." Jessie said.
"Do you care about me?"
"Do I make you feel pretty?"
"Good girl." Woody said again. Jessie smiled at him. "Darlin' you have the most sexiest body." Woody said, kissing her chest. Jessie was latched onto Woody's neck. "You mean everything to me Jessie, I hope you know that." Woody said, as he grinded on her body.  Jessie buried her face in his neck.
"Woody you smell so good." Jessie said. Woody kisses her neck. "Oh Woody." Jessie moaned, as Woody grinded on her body. That night, Jessie took a bath. Woody went the bathroom with her. "Darlin, you in there?" Woody asked. "Yes." Jessie said. "Okay, I need to take a piss." Woody said, as he opened the door. "Hey hottie." Woody said, as he opened the bathroom door. "Hi cute cowboy." Jessie said, as she drained the tub water, for her rinse off with the shower. "You're so hot when you're rinsing off." Woody said. "Can you help me rinse my back?" Jessie asked. "Darlin, of course." Woody said. That night, they were on the floor, Woody was touching her face and her body. "Darlin' mi amor, mi heromasa." Woody said. "Woody I love you, forever. I've loved you first, I kissed you first. When we were in high school, we dated for a long time, then you just vanished, I got worried, and scared that you died or that you got killed." Jessie said. "Darlin, you knew where I was why didn't you call me, for me to get you?" Woody asked softly. Jessie began to cry. "Oh baby, shh, it's okay, it's okay hunny." Woody said, rubbing her back, pulling her close to him. "Buzz never let me talk to you!" Jessie screamed as she cried on his chest.
"Hunny, that must've been so hard on you, you not seeing me, or hearing from me." Woody said, holding her tightly. "Woody, if I could've have I would've ran away from there, I was scared Buzz was going to find me and try to kill us both." Jessie said, wiping her tears. "I know baby, I'm here now. You're safe.
You're in a safe haven.
Jessie knew she was safe with Woody.
Woody is Jessie's safe haven. Forever.

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