Safe Haven

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The next day, Jessie was cold. It was getting darker in Montana- the days were getting shorter, nights were getting colder. Woody brought up his fur blanket, to keep his girl warm. Jessie was looking at him, "Woody I'm cold, can you give me the fur blanket?" Jessie asked. "Darlin' of course." Woody said, as he laid the blanket down on her. "Lay with me honey." Jessie said, pulling Woody closer to her.
"Woody, I love you." Jessie said. Woody looked at Jessie in her eyes.
"Can you kiss me?" Woody asked Jessie. "Woody, you know I love kissing you." Jessie said, kissing her boyfriend.
All night long, Woody and Jessie kissed.
The next morning, Jessie was still asleep, Woody was in the kitchen, making a coffee in the  coffee pot.
"Hey my darlin." Woody said, kissing Jessie's lips. Woody looked at her. "How I get so lucky?" Woody asked. Jessie looked at her boyfriend.
"I know." Jessie said. Woody held her in his arms.
"Darlin, you have made me see what love really is." Woody said. Jessie looked at him; "Woody, baby, you're my everything." Jessie said. Woody looked at her. Then, that night: Woody saw a gun next to the door. "What the hell is this?" Woody asked. "What Woody?" Jessie asked.
Woody could give Jessie these looks when he wanted her kiss him. "Darling, look at me. Kiss me like you mean it." Woody said, grabbing her gently lifting her chin, kissing her lips. In the bedroom, Woody and Jessie laid down in the bed, as he kissed her lips as he pinned her down to the bed. "Jessie wait here." Woody said. "What are you doing?" Jessie asked. "Trust me darlin."
Woody said kissing her lips. "Okay." Jessie said. Once Woody was back, he got down on one knee, and asked her to marry him. "Jessie, will you marry me?" Woody asked. "Oh Woody, I will. yes!" Jessie screamed, jumping into Woody's arms. "Oh Jessie you have idea so happy you make me." Woody said. Jessie looked at him. "Listen to me darlin' you have nothing to fear anymore, Buzz is in the slammer." Woody said. "Woody, I-I-I love you." Jessie said, crying, as she fell to the floor. "Oh shh, baby, baby it's okay, hey look at me.. it's okay. Were you not allowed to say to Buzz?" Woody asked. Jessie shook her head. "Oh darlin, why did he do this ot you?" Woody asked, pulling her closer to him. "Darlin, you can say you love me.. all you want, why because I love you back. Forever." Woody said. Jessie looked at him, crying in his arms. "Oh baby, shh, it's okay." Woody said, rubbing her back. "Our wedding will be in the summer darlin." Woody said. Jessie had a perfect dress for when she was gonna marry Woody when she thinking she was gonna with him and not with Buzz. Buzz never asked her to marry him. Buzz was the type of person who would take a woman into his place, then mess them up, like what he did to Jessie. "Woody, you made me feel something, Buzz never made me feel nothing." Jessie said. Woody looked at her, "Oh my poor darlin, you have nothing to fear." Woody said.
That night, Woody sat in the dining room. "Fuck, what did Buzz do to her while I was gone?" Woody asked himself. "What had he done to her?" Woody asked himself, as he paced around. Jessie woke up as she heard Woody. "Woody? Are you okay baby?" Jessie said. "Yeah- yeah, I'm fine." Woody said, pulling her closer to him. "Jessie, what other things did Buzz do to you?" Woody asked. "What do you mean?" Jessie asked. "Yes." Woody said. "What other things did he do to you darlin?" Woody asked. "He raped me a ton when he was drunk, he hit me when he would get pissed. He would threaten to kill me, he would stalk me when I was with my friends." Jessie said. "Darlin, I will be right back." Woody said, pulling her closer to him. "I will take care of him." Woody said. Jessie looked at him. "Woody, wher are you going?" Jessie asked. "Darlin, I will take care of him." Woody said. "I have to protect what's now mine." Woody said, grabbing his gun. "Woody, take this, it's my lucky necklace." Jessie said. "Darlin, I will need this." Woody said. "Please Woody, come home in one piece." Jessie said. "Darlin, I'm a cowboy, I have to protect what's mine. Remember, I would die for you if I have to?" Woody asked, placing his hand on her chest. "I'll be back." Woody said, getting in his truck. I gotta get to the station now." Woody said, calling the police station where he worked. "Boys, we gotta talk asap." Wooody said. "What's up Shireff?" Woody's colleage asked." It's Lightyear." Woody said. They looked at him. "Wait, you mean that space ranger?" They asked. "Yes, that same one, we need to get him killed. He's harming my bride to be." Woody said. "Wait, you're enaged?" Barbara asked. "Who is she?" Bob asked. "Jessie. I saved her." Woody said. "You got yourself a good girl." Sally said.
"I did." Woody said. "Okay so what's the plan?"
"We kill him." Woody said. "Yeah, let's do it now, I need to get back to Jessie." Woody said. "We understand." they said. Once they got to Buzz's house, he was drunk again, this time with a gun. "Police, OPEN UP!" Woody yelled. Jessie was in her truck, hiding around the corner. "Shit I hope he does not see me." Jessie said to herself. "Buzz Lightyear, you are under arrest for rape, abuse, and drinking." Woody said, as his other colleages were holding thier guns to his head. "Woody, get off of me!"
"No- you're going to jail bart!" Woody said. Once in the jail, Buzz was thrown in the jail cell, for 10 years.

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