Safe Haven

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In the Flashy Horse, there was line dancing and live music every Friday. "Woody can we line dance?" Jessie asked. "Darlin of course." Woody said. "Com'on." Woody said, as he put on his hat. "Yeeahaw!" Jessie exclaimed. Once on the dance floor, the band began to play, Woody and Jessie went to the dance floor, and he began to dance with her. "Jessie I never knew you were this good of a dancer." Woody said. Jessie smiled.
Woody then lifted Jessie up, and spun her around. Then, once the bar began to close, things were winding up, things were closing up, Woody and Jessie were getting ready to leave, they were safe to drive. The level of alochol was not strong in the Western lager then in any other beers. "Ready to go darlin?" Woody asked. Jessie nodded. "Yes." Jessie said. Woody got back in his truck with Jessie. "Let's go home baby." Woody said. Jessie got in the truck. "Woody I had so much fun." Jessie said. "I knew you would." Woody said. Jessie smiled. "Woody! Buzz alert!" Jessie screamed. "That SON OF A BITCH! We have go right now!" Woody yelled. "Darlin, hand me my walkie talkie." Woody said. "Okay." Jessie said. "Thank you hunny." Woody said. "1314 Koen on to discapatch." Woody said in his walkie talkie. "Woody sir." Koen said. "We have an alert, my wife Mrs. Carson, has spotted Buzz." Woody said. "Al'ght, we are out way now to get'em." Koen said. "Thank you sir." Woody said. "I see him!" Jessie exclaimed, as she spotted Koen. "Howdy Woody, and hello Mrs. Carson." Keon said. "Hello Keon." Jessie said. "Howdy Mrs. Carson." Keon said. "Al'ight where is he?" Keon asked, looking around for him or any sgins of him. "He went down this way." Woody said. "Okay." Koen said. Jessie was shaking. "Shh, Jessie is okay." Woody said. "Mrs. Carson, you will catch him." Woody said. "Jessie you're safe with me." Woody said. "Woody, if you want you can take her home, and we can take care of this." Keon said. "Okay." Woody said. "Jessie, do you go home, while Koen and the rest of police find Buzz?" Woody asked. "Yes." Jessie said. "Okay baby, come on." Woody said softly. "Woody, you keep me safe." Jessie said. Woody smiled. "Al'ight Koen, contact me if anything happens." Woody said, through the truck window.
"Yes sir." Koen said, as he got the other police officers. "Station 1314 police, we have a criminal on the loose." Koen said. Woody and Jessie were back home. "Darlin, you have nothing to be scared of, I've here hunny. Buzz is never going to hurt you." Woody said. "Woody you're so protective of me." Jessie said. "I'm going to be in the office darlin, you can join me there's a couch bed there." Woody said. "Okay, I need your company Woody." Jessie said. "Aww darlin of course." Woody said.
As they went to the office, Woody got a call. "Go in there hunny, I gotta take this." Woody said. "Okay." Jessie said, as she went to the office, and she sat down on the couch bed. "I'm back darlin." Woody said. Jessie was on the couch bed, crying. "Whoah, darlin, com'ere, sit on my lap. What's the matter baby?" Woody asked. "I'm just nervous, for you! Woody, you can get hurt." Jessie said.
"Hunny, my job is to protect you." Woody said. Jessie leaned in Woody's chest, and cried. "Shh, it's okay baby, it's okay." Woody said. Jessie hugged Woody while he worked on his computer.
"You're so cute when you latch onto me like that hunny." Woody said. "I want to protect what's mine." Jessie said. "My poor darlin, shh it's okay baby, it's okay." Woody said. Jessie cuddled into her husband more. "Try to sleep darlin, I'm gonna be here a while." Woody said. "I love you Woody." Jessie said.
"Te amo mas min amor." Woody said. Jessie flushed. "Woody, take your shirt off." Jessie said. "Darlin you're so cute, anything for you." Woody said, as he took his shirt off. "Oh because you wanna feel my heartbeatin." Woody said. Jessie nodded. "Okay baby, anything to make my angel happy and feelin' safe. You don't need Buzz baby. You needed a real babydaddy." Woody said. "You're my babydaddy." Jessie said. "You're right darlin." Woody said. Jessie smiled, as she slept in her husband's lap. Woody then grabbed his laptop, to make easier for him and for his wife Jessie. "Darlin, I got my laptop, let's go sit on the couchbed, so you can lay down properly on my lap, while I work." Woody said softly. "Okay." Jessie said, as she woke up. "Here take this blanket to, you're need it." Woody said. Jessie grabbed her phone and the blanket Woody gave her to use. "It's cold in here." Woody said. "Yeah, it is." Jessie said, as she draped the blanket over them. "Thank you darlin." Woody said, kissing her forehead. Woody worked away, while Jessie slept. Woody sang softly to himself, and it helped Jessie stay asleep. "Sleep my darlin, never fear anything, you're now with me." Woody said. Jessie cuddled closer to Woody. Then, the phone rang, it made Jessie jumped. "Ah!" Jessie screamed. "Shh,i'ts okay baby, It's okay, it was jsut the phone." Woody said, as he grabbed the phone. "It's the station, I gotta take this." Woody said.
"Okay." Jessie said, as she went back to sleep.
"Sheriff Woody speaking?"
"Sheriff, howdy, we got him!"
"Oh good, good, I'll tell Jessie right away here."
"Okay, listen, she is relieved, but she now scared for life."
"We understand."
"Jessie means a lot to me." Woody said. "Woody, Jessie is everything to you." Koen said. "She is, more than ever." Woody said, I have to protect her." Woody said. "I love Jessie with all of my heart." Woody said. "Jessie means everything to me." Woody said. "Al'ight boys, I gotta go, Jessie is here in the office with me, she's sleeping." Woody said, softly. "Al'ight partener." Keon said. "Woody?" Jessie asked. "I'm in here darlin." Woody said. "I gotta go boys." Woody said. "Al'ight see you in the morning." Woody said. "Okay, see you." Woody said. "Jessie, where are you sweetie?" Woody asked. "On the couch bed, I just woke up." Jessie said. "I'm coming darlin." Wody said. "Hey Woody." Jessie said. "How'd you sleep?" Woody asked. "Good, since you're were with me." Jessie said. Woody smiled. "Darlin, they got him, Buzz is back in the slammer." Woody said. "Woody thank you, Buzz is finally out of my life for good." Jessie said. Woody smiled.

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