Safe haven~

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Jessie was on top of Woody's dick. Woody was rubbing her pussy, kissing her clit. "HaHaHaHaHa." Jessie screamed. Woody sits on the edge of the bed, rubbing his dick with a feather, while fingering Jessie. Jessie cummed so much, same with Woody. "You're  so pretty." Woody said. "God Jessie I love you." Woody said, kissing her lips. Jessie loves Woody so much, she never wants to leave him or hurt him, she needs him in her life forever.
Woody was tickling her with his fur boa, his uses on her body when she was sleeping in his arms.
"Can we sleep and cuddle tonight?" Jessie asked. Woody asked. "Of course we can darlin." Woody said, pulling Jessie closer to his arms.
Woody kisses Jessie on her lips, down her body. Woody held Jessie in his arms while she slept tightly in his arms, safe where she belonged. Knowing she has someone who loves her for her, and not some person who should used for sex.
Woody touched her face, kissing while he marked her all over her body that was now his forever. Jessie buried her face in his chest, kissing his neck and chest. Jessie rubbed her hands up his chest to his neck. "Keep doing that." Woody said. Jessie rubbed his back. "Your touch feels so good darlin." Woody said, kissing her hand as grabbed her hand wrapping it around his neck.  Woody cuddled closer to he, kissing her head... "Sleep my love." Woody said. Jessie buried her face in his chest. Woody was rubbing her back. kissing her.
That morning, Jessie was out of bed, Woody wondering where she went.. "Jessie?" Woody asked. "Over here Woody." Jessie said, as she came to him. "Hey baby." Woody said. Jessie smiled. "Hi." Jessie said, kissing him.
"How are you darlin?" Woody asked her. "I'm good, did you sleep okay last night?" Jessie asked, rubbing his face. "I did, knowing you were safe now." Woody said, pulling her closer to him. "Really, that's still on your mind?" Jessie asked. "Darlin, I- I want you to know something. I will whatever it takes to keep you safe, I will die for you if I have to." Woody said. "Remember that song by Dustin Lynch called cowboys and angels? when he says.. I'd die for her she lives for me?" Woody asked. "Yes, I know that song." Jessie said. "That's my motto, I die for you and you live for me." Woody said, kissing her lips, holding in his arms. "I have to go to work in like an hour darlin." Woody said. "You do?" Jessie asked. "Yeah, I gotta work as much I can now before huntin season starts and before our wedding." Woody said, getting up from the chair he was sitting on. "Want me to make a lunch or something?" Jessie asked. "No, it's okay if you really want to that's fine too." Woody said. "I do." Jessie said. "Say I do like that at our wedding darlin, that' sounded so southern and sweet like you." Woody said. Jessie smiled as she kisses Woody's soft lips. Jessie smiled. "You liked how I said that?" Jessie asked... "Yes." Woody said, touching her hair. Woody got ready to go to work.
It was cold in the mornings now in Bigsky Montana. Winter has taken over the country here, the snows there were bad roads were closed at night for the snow trucks to clean up the highways to make sure it was safe for the morning drive to work. The snow plow came last night, and the roads were good again, til tonight when they would go back to how were.
Woody got to his truck, to go to work. Woody kisses Jessie. "Keep the house safe darlin." Woody said, as he kisses her neck.
"Here is your lunch I made you." Jessie said, handing him a small brown bag.
"Darlin, you did not have to." Woody said, kissing her lips. "Woody I love you." Jessie said, kissing him. "Have a good day at work Woody." Jessie said. Woody looked at her, as he drove away to his job in BigSky. Jessie want back in the house. "I miss you Woody." Jessie as she looked at pictures of her and Woody together, at rodeos, two step bars, truck meets all of the pictures she has on her fridge.
"At least he has a short work day." Jessie said to herself. Once Woody got home, Jessie got the door for him. "Ugh, today was the hardest work day." Woody said, as he sat down. "Why?" Jessie asked, as she placed herslef in his lap. "Darlin' today was hard because I had you on my mind all day." Woody said, kissing her lips. "You smell so good." Woody said. "Can we cuddle?" Woody asked. "Of course." Jessie said, taking him in her arms. As they laid on the bed. "Let me take a shower." Woody said. "I'll one with you." Jessie said. "Darlin' you have a sweet lil Texan heart." Woody said to her, kissing her lips. Jessie looked at him. "Darlin' kiss me." Woody said to her. Jessie looked at him, in his naked glory. "Woody, you taking a shower is so sexy." Jessie said to him. Woody looked at her, he pulled her in, to kiss her as the water ran down their body. That next  day, while Woody was in his break, he went to this small shopping center, where they sold rings. Woody wanted to ask Jessie to marry him, he was so nervous to ask her.
"Howdy ma'am, I looking for a ring for my girlfriend." Woody said, to the lady at the counter.
"What type of ring are you looking for?" She asked. "One that looks like a horseshoe." Woody said. The lady looked at him. "Where are you from? Your accent is very strong." She told him. "I'm from Texas." Woody said. "Okay, then we do have something for that  is in the shape of a horseshoe." The lady said. "Perfect." Woody said. The lady found the ring that was in the shape of a horseshoe. "This is perfect thank you." Woody said. Woody looked at the ring, one more time. "She will love it." Woody to the lady. "I bet she will." Said the lady. "So many do I owe you?" Woody asked. "200 dollars." The lady said. "Okay." Woody said, as he pulled out his wallet to get his card out. "Here you go." Woody said. "Thank you." The lady said. Woody then got home. "Jessie, I'm home hunny." Woody said. Jessie ran to Woody. "Woody, you're home." Jessie said, as she ran to him. "Woody, I missed you." Jessie said. "I missed you more." Woody said. "Come lay with me." Woody said. "Okay." Jessie said, as she walked upstairs to the bedroom. "Oh boy, work was rough today darlin, Bubba was trying to bring down a box that was high up, and I was trying to help him, and my boss was on my ass all day." Woody said. "Oh my poor cowboy. I'm glad you're home.

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