Safe Haven

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Once in BIgsky, Jessie felt the cold through the truck, even with the windows up. "It's so cold Woody." Jessie said, moving closer to him. "I know darlin." Woody said. Jessie saw how beautiful Montana is. "It's so pretty here." Jessie said, pulling her buffalo skin coat up to her face. Once they saw the big cabin house they were going to be living at, Woody knew that this was the right for him and Jessie to do. The internet was good there as well. Woody knew that, Canton told him. Jessie kisses Woody. "I love you." Woody said, pulling her clsoer to him, to keep her warm. "Your body is always so warm." Jessie said, cuddling him in her arms. "Yours is so soft and light, like a feather." Woody said, kissing her cheeks.
Woody was never going to let Jessie go. Canton and his wife got there. Traffic was really bad, at times.
"Hey Buddy, where's the stable at?" Canton asked. "On your left." Jessie said. "Okay thanks." Canton said, driving around the back of the house to get to the barn. "Place the horses in a round pin for right now, and then once we have all the shit in the house, we can move them in." Woody said. "Me and Jessie can help with the horses getting the stable." Catilina said. "Yeah, Woody. I'll be okay." Jessie said, holding his hand in his, kissing him.
"You sure darlin?" Woody asked. Jessie looked at him. "Yes." Jessie said. "Okay, you're so brave hunny." Woody told her. Jessie smiled at him. "I love you too Woody." Jessie said. "I'll be right back okay." Jessie told him. "Take your time darlin." Woody said, as he and Canton moved in the boxes in the house.
"Okay, let's open the barn doors." Catlina said. "Yeah, you do that I will get the horses." Jessie said, clipping the horses to their lead ropes. Bullseyes went in first.
"So you and Jessie?" Canton teased. "Yeah, I'm in love with her a lot. She knows that. We getting married in like a week from now or somethin'." Woody said. "A week?" Canton asked. "Yeah." Woody said. "Why a week?" Canton asked. "I'm saving her form a bad relationship she had with my friend, who is now dead." Woody said in a low voice. "Dead, what do you mean?" he asked. "Man, lemme tell you. Buzz treated Jessie so badly, I had to do something or else she too would be dead like Bo and Maryanne." Woody said. "Maryanne? Who was she?" Canton asked. "She was my first real love. Bo was my queen at some point in time." Woody said. "You were once a royal?" Canton asked. "Yes." Woody said. Jesse knew Woody was once a royal king in a land far away before he found Jessie again.
Jessie moved all the horses in the barn, as she began to walk back she heard Woody talking about her and how much Woody loves her. Jessie walked in to the new house and saw how beautiful it was. "Hey my darlin." Woody said, wrapping Jessie in a soft furry blanket. "Oh it's so cold out there now." Jessie said, wrapping her arms around him. "Shh, you're okay." Woody said, rubbing her back. "Go lay down baby." Woody said, kissing her lips. "Okay." Jessie said. "I'll be there in a bit." Woody said. Jessie went to the bedroom, Woody had already made their bed.
Jessie laid down the bed. Woody laid on her bed. Woody loves Jessie's kisses. They bring him peace and comfort when she kisses him.
Canton set up everything, the tv was in the new spot, kitchen was set up and ready to use. "Alright Woody, it's all set... and oh.. sorry I'll let you guys have your moment." Canton said. "Canton it's okay buddy, I was only holding her it's fine. Come on Jessie let's go see the new house. Now that it's all set up and ready for us to use and live." Woody said, grabbing her hand. Jessie followed Woody. "Oh my god, I love it." Jessie said.
Woody smiled. "It looks great buddy. Thanks again for helping us out here, and for keeping my darlin safe." Woody said. "Hey, anytime." Canton said. Jessie smiled. Woody looked at Jessie, he kisses her lips. "I love you too sexy." Jessie said to him. Woody blushed. "Alright we are taking off, let us know when y'all have a house party, the country way. I will be there." Canton said. Woody smiled. "Of course." Woody said, opening the door. "Later buddy, thanks again for the help." Woody said, waving. "Anytime." Canton said. Jessie smiled at him. "It looks so good." she told him. "It does right." Woody said. Jessie was holding Woody in her arms.
"Fuck me tonight." Woody said. Jessie looked into Woody's eyes. "Always." Jessie said, taking off her clothes. While Woody sat on the bed looking at Jessie, taking off her clothes. "You're so sexy hunny." Woody said, taking off his jeans. Jessie loved looking at Woody take off his clothes, it made her feel safe and warm knowing that she was going to stay with him forever. Jessie wanted nothing to do with Buzz, knowing he was dead it her feel safe.
Woody was her safe haven.

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