Part 5

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Back to present day

"Young master?" The little girl poked her head in his office. He was nowhere in sight.

Sugar wandered the halls looking for the young master, peeking through the rooms he usually lounged and a satisfied victorious smile came upon her small face when she heard his deep voice coming from the poolside of the palace.


The little girl turned around at the voice and her smile widened as she saw you. She skipped towards you and held your hand.

"Y/N-sama! You're back!"

"Yes I am dear. Are you looking for the young master?" You asked her as you snapped your fingers at one of your four bodyguards who stepped forward with a basket of grapes you had bought for Sugar.

"I found him!" She nodded and her eyes shimmered when you held out the small basket of grapes towards her.

"I got this for you,"

Sugar embraced your legs as she squealed with joy.

"Thank you, Y/N-san! The young master will be happy to know you're back! I'll go tell him." She happily trotted off ahead of you and you followed at your own pace.

Sugar climbed up the sofa and smiled up at the young master who was just ending a call with one of his investors.

Doflamingo from the smile on Sugar's face moved his gaze from the glistening clear waters of the pool to the doors to that led back to the palace and his grin widened to see you approaching in one of your beautiful gowns, your hair down and free from the usual intricate braided updos.

He licked his lips as you now stood in front of him, the four guards that he always appointed to you stepping back five paces.

"My queen," he reached out his hand towards you.

You placed your hand in his and allowed him to guide you to his lap.

"You look ravishing as always," he purred.

"I read the papers," you spoke, getting straight to the point, as he slithered an arm around your waist and buried his face on the nape of your neck, inhaling your scent and feeling the soft suppleness if your skin for it has been days since he last saw you.

"What about it?"

"It's about Law and the Straw Hat's. I always told you that Law will come back to haunt you,"

He chuckled deeply at your sharp tongue. Always straightforward, always keeping him in check.

"Are you worried about me or are you worried about Law?"

"Why do you ask?"

He nibbled softly at the soft flesh of your ear, making your body tingle.

"Because since he was a child you were always so fond of him,"

What he said was true but you treated the children as if they were your own. When Law arrived in your lives long ago as a child, his strong will and the disease he bore with him, made your heart melt for him.

You will never admit it out loud to Doffy but even till now, he had a special place in your heart.

Placing your hand against his cheek, softly caressing it as any wife would to her husband, you answered him.

"You will tell me not to worry about you but you always end up making me feel that way."

"So are you agreeing with me when I say Law is an enemy?"

He was curious to hear your answer. He knew of how your heart held him sentimentally close.

Doffy felt an exciting shiver pass him as you looked at him with your eyes in the way that it looked on him with devotion and loyalty, as well as the reality and harshness you must portray as his queen.

"Everyone who isn't us, is an enemy."

His grin went from ear to ear. You truly were his queen. His fierce and loyal wife. The whole world respected you highly and people of this country adored you, but their respect and adoration could not amount to his own. He would burn cities to ground for you.

"I couldn't have said it better," he kissed you on the lips with dark twisted passion but it was short lived.


Trebol appeared inches away from you and Doffy. Far too close to your liking.

"You're too close," Doffy muttered as he pulled back from you, a vein in his forehead protruded.

"I see that Y/N-san is back," he leaned closer and you moved back, leaning against Doffy.

"Am I annoying you Y/N-san?" He leaned closer and you tried your best to remain calm.

"Every breath you draw in my presence annoys me,"

Doflamingo laughed at that as Trebol whined about how mean you were. But you were just saying exactly what half the family was thinking when Trebol gets too close.

"Law will come to Dressrosa," You murmured, turning away from Trebol, serving yourself a glass of wine. "He will come after you and destroy everything you've built. I suppose you already have a plan."

"Of course I do. I won't let that brat ruin everything..."

Sugar beside the two of you happily ate away at the grapes you brought her. You gently patted her head and she beamed up at you.

"Before you walk off to mingle with the townsfolk, what advice would my loyal queen give me?" Doffy gazed at you, arms spread open and draped on the couch, exposing his muscular torso.

"Didn't you talk about this matter with your closest officers? I suppose they've given their opinion on the matter," you sipped the sweet wine, finishing every drop before you got up.

"I did," he calmly spoke, as if Law had not just defeated his right hand man and kidnapped his most important subordinate. "But the advice from the queen, my loyal equal, is just as important than what my officers say."

Though he didn't show it. You knew Doffy was infuriatingly annoyed with Law and the Straw Hat's alliance.

Having found what advice you could give, you stepped in between his spread legs and placed your fingers beneath his chin to make him look up at you.

"A good king knows when to save his strength," you shared your advice, your fingers caressing and tracing his jaw, knowing how your gentle touches fed his ego.


"And when to destroy his enemies."

With that you left, your four guards that he has appointed to protect you at all cause , following right behind you.

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