Part 24

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A single ray of light peeked through the barred window announcing that the dawn has come and that another day has arrived.

How long has it been? A week? Maybe more?

Groggily, you sat up from the mattress on the floor and felt the slight ache in your side from your defeat sometime ago.

It was supposed to be a simple meeting with an ally of the Donquixote Pirates but it turned sour real quick, when their captain revealed their true intentions and took you as hostage along with the man Doflamingo sent to escort you, his brother, Rosinante. Corazon.

"Hey," you murmured as you gently shook the uniquely tall man, who slept on the floor beside the mattress.

His eyes fluttered open and he immediately sat up but when he took in his surroundings, he sighed and looked at you.

"Are you alright?"

"I've been better," you replied, still not really used to hearing his deep voice. "How long do you think they're going to keep us here?"

"Not for long,"he sighed, reaching into his pocket for his box of cigarettes. "I don't think they intend on letting us live which is a stupid idea on their part,  it'll make Doflamingo angry, and rain hell on them. They're playing a dangerous game."

"I just can't believe we fell right into their trap,"

"They double crossed us. You didn't know and I didn't know. None of us are at fault. "

You nodded, agreeing with him.

Despite being locked up in this room, the winter climate outside was not merciful to you. You hugged your knees to your chest in an attempt to keep yourself warm, and you closed your eyes as you pondered on memories you shared with the children.

"My brother..."

You heard Corazon's voice once more.

"He's fond of you. I didn't think he was capable of doing so."

"Well he surprised us both then," you murmured, rubbing your arms.

Corazon noticing your close to shivering state, slipped of his coat and draped it over you, the thickness and weight of it warning you almost immediately.

Though Doflamingo made you an exception as someone he'd shower with so called 'affection', Corazon was his polar opposite.

"Won't you get cold?" You asked him, as he perched himself next to you, his long limbs taking up all the space in the mattress now.

"Better you than me,"

"Don't be dumb and rush our deaths even faster," you muttered, taking his coat and draping it over his shoulders again.

You moved and sat in between his legs, snuggling close. Corazon was taken a back by your actions but now that you were closer, he too felt warmer.

"Body heat helps," you explained as you focused on getting a hold of your shivering. Corazon wrapped his arms around you, his black feathery coat blanketing the both of you from the cold.



"Tell me something,"

"You have nice eyes,"

"I said tell me something, not compliment me." He blushed a little.

"Um, okay? What do you want to hear?"

"Tell me something good,"

The simplicity of what he was asked for said a lot about him, about his heart. You let the walls that guarded your secrets, emotions and past fall a little as you didn't see the point of hiding so much from him now since the two of you were awaiting for death.

"When I was a father he came home one day from work," you recalled and Corazon was surprised you were revealing a piece of your past to him. "And he gave me this white ribbon hairband, I didn't get much gifts as a child, my family wasn't well off so I cherished that hairband so much.My father said, 'Here, a tiara for my princess'. Even though I knew it wasn't a tiara, the fact my father had given it to me felt like it was one."

The gentle reminiscent smile on your face tugged at Corazon's heart as it was different from the genuine smile you always gave, there was love in them.

"I wore that hairband day and night. I washed and kept it clean. It's so very dear to me."

"What happened to it?" Corazon asked, a smile tugging on his own lips.

"I grew up and my head got bigger so it didn't fit me anymore..." your smile faltered and leaned your head against Corazon's chest. "After I was sent off to be at a strangers care because my father had no more means to provide for me and himself, the hairband was taken away from me. I haven't seen him since...I sometimes wonder if he's still out there..."

You immediately stopped as the rules and teachings that were conditioned in your brain during your teenage years kicked in again, and a tinge of guilt was felt in your chest.
Not even Doffy knew that about you. Though you had helped him through his nightmares where he was completely vulnerable and unlike the man he usually was, you had never told him of that treasured memory.

"You grew up without your father?"

"I..." you hesitated. You haven't told anyone of who you were before you and Doflamingo met. "I was handed to a stranger who offered to raise me for my father but that person wanted me for a different reason. He conditioned and trained me in espionage and battle, I competed with other girls..."

"Like a school?"

You took a breath as horrific memories threatened  to  conquer your mind.

"A messed up one,"

That was the start of opening up to the younger Donquixote brother and he too shared memories of his childhood. As days pass, the thought of knowing each day could be the day you two would be erased from this Earth, had changed both your perspectives.

He knew more about you than Doflamingo ever did and you knew that he was working undercover in his brother's crew, and you were given a glimpse of how Doflamingo was when he was a child.

To put it simply, the two of you shared your pasts and didn't judge each other for it, and that vulnerability that you two shared made you closer than the last few years has ever been.

Corazon was glad to have known that you had such a good heart despite the darkness of your past, and ever since the two of you laid it all out on the table, he appreciated you even more than before. Each smile you gave and the way your eyes would light up and shimmer as you softly laughed at his clumsiness made him feel a certain way. You were exceptionally strong but behind that was a simple human. 
He understood why his brother was possessive over you.

You had the same comforting aura that used to be present in their childhood years before a sickness took it away from them, the same comforting aura of their late mother.

You were beautiful and skilled, these were the first  things his brother admired about you. But in a few months of meeting, Doflamingo saw you almost like an equal which baffled Corazon before but now it was all crystal clear. He understood now.

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