Part 3

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"As a king, you should have patience." You propped yourself to get up, but Doffy's knees pressed on the fabric on your dress which restrained you from leaving. "Long enough patience where you have some self control around your wife."

"But tell me how should I have some self control when my queen looks so..."He leaned close, lips brushing on your jaw. "Ravishing."

You turned your head away from him. He grinned. Didn't you know the more you denied him like this, the more he gets turned on?

He loved it when you craved for him and took it upon yourself to convince him to make love to you or when you'd obediently succumb to his desires. Oh but he especially loved it when you'd fight or go against him.

"Stop it Doffy." You firmly told him but he was adamant of having you right here and right now.

"You're telling me no but your body says otherwise." His hands cupped your breasts that were so sensitive to his touch and his grin widened when he felt your pert nipple beneath the silk of your chemise. He rolled it between his fingers and he delightfully watched you squirm.

"Stop." You tried to push him away, your dainty hands not enough to make him budge.

Doflamingo grinned and leaned closer to capture your lips in his but he never made it. His cheek stung and he hissed slightly as the pain mingled with his desire. Did you really just slap him?

Realising what you did, you gently placed your hand to cup his cheek and to apologise but Doflamingo's grin remained as he captured your wrists and pinned it above you.

"My darling wife..." he growled, his other hand trailing over your hip bone, going lower and lower.

"Dof—" you never finished saying his name when your body convulsed as his fingers came in contact with the sensitive bundle of nerves that sent a wave of pleasure through your veins. You pressed your thighs together and squirmed beneath him, as if you could get away.

Feeling your wrists being bound by none other than his strings, your eyes widened.

"This isn't fair, Doffy," you whimpered, trying to focus on anything other than his fingers circling your aching bud.
"When have I ever played fair?" He purred into your ear, his warm tongue flicking along your jaw before placing his lips along your neck, kissing and leaving marks on your skin.

With each kiss, your body grew warmer...hotter.

In an instant, Doffy knelt by the foot of the bed and dragged you along with him by the legs, a surprised yelp leaving you involuntarily.  He parted your thighs that were trembling from the aching need of your heat. You still were denying him but he was wearing your defences down, he could tell from how hot and heavy your breathing has become.

You wanted to slap the grin on his face as breath fanned over the arousal that betrayed you.

He wondered how far he'd have to go to make you beg for him to take you. Doffy pressed his thumb against your clit as he sucked a hickey on your inner thigh making you bite your lip. You were not going to give him the satisfaction of your moans.

"Doffy. Stop. I don't want this... Not now." You commanded him as firmly as you could, but your voice was soft and it trembled the more his thumb circled your clit.

Doffy licked his lips hungrily.

"Are you sure you don't want me,wife?" He chuckled, slicking his finger with your warm juices. "Like I said, your body betrays you."

Before you could retort, he pressed those warm lips of his against your throbbing core, his tongue swirling teasingly around your entrance, giving you a taste of the pleasure he would and could give you if you surrendered.

If only you could get away to prove your squirmed but Doffy threw your legs over his broad shoulders, continuing to slowly lick your core torturously.

Every nerve inside your body was responding to his touch and you gritted your teeth hard to prevent any moan to leave your lips.

You could feel his arrogant smirk as he tongue lapped teasingly but when he began to suck on your clit, you were close to losing it.

Doffy was grinning as your thighs tensed on his shoulders and at how you were trying so hard to hold back your moans. It was a sight to behold but it was incomparable to the expression on your face when he'd stretch your walls with his member and made you gasp and moan out his name, begging for him to go faster and harder.

He'd tease you more but something about you fighting him back even though you wanted this as much as he did, made his desire for you darker and intense.

Doffy slipped a finger into your wet entrance and sucked harder on your bud, a gasp, the closest thing he could get to a moan at the moment, left your lips.

He pulled back and began to pump his finger in a come hither motion that had your back arching and your hips trembling as he went on.

"Do you have anything to say, Y/N?" He purred, eyes hungrily looking at your sex that throbbed and was slick with arousal. 

The tightening knot inside you was almost too much to bear and you wanted him touch you everywhere now, you wanted to feel his hot skin against your own, you wanted—you needed more.

"Doffy..."you mewled before him as he pumped faster bringing you so close to the edge and you anticipated that sweet release. If he kept going at it at this rate you were going to come undone.

"Am I earning you now, my queen?" He grinned, now hovering above you, his finger still plunged inside your hot sex.

You couldn't find the words to respond as pleasure rushed through your so close....

Doffy stopped before you could reach your release.
He pulled back to undo his trousers, freeing his hard member from the constraints of the fabric and you felt your body shiver with anticipation.

"Why so quiet, Y/N? Have you finally surrendered?" He chuckled, eyes running up and down your body, a deep appreciative hum leaving him as he stripped.

You felt his strings against your wrist loosen and you rubbed them as they were now free. You glared, cheeks red, at him for the marks his strings had left.

"No snarky remark?" He teased, his hands groped the flesh on your body and as much as he liked how this silk chemise adorned you, he wanted it off.

The sharp rip of fabric filled the room as your skin was now completely exposed to him, your hairs standing up as the warm summer breeze caressed your skin.

Your husbands much larger than normal frame, trapped you beneath him and pressed against your own. Doffy's eyes shut in delight as he felt your soft supple skin against his.

Your hands gripped his shoulders as you felt the tip of his cock prodding at the lips of your entrance.

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