Part 1

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8 years ago

The executives listened closely as one of the Commander of the guards reported to them and the King on the trouble that was going on in one of the towns. There had been talk of a rebellion against the current King of Dressrosa over a certain rumour that made them prepare for battle.

Doflamingo found such defiance rather entertaining since for a long time, the people of Dressrosa worshipped him so this little matter should be fun to deal with.

"There is also another issue at hand, my king." The commander spoke.

Before he could finish his sentence, the clatter of armour reached the Executives and the King's ears, and the heavy double doors swung open as the Queen stepped in. Her regal and elegant presence made the Commander and his guards bow their heads with respect.

Doflamingo licked his lips. The long locks of her hair cascaded freely behind her and dressed in one of her fine many dresses that the King himself have gifted for her, with poise she smiled at the Commander but when her eyes scanned the executives of the Donquixote pirates, Doflamingo was intrigued to see your eyes darken while you kept your practised smile.

"Your majesty, for what reason are we graced by your presence?" The Commander asked, head still bowed as you took a seat on the left side of the table, beside Doflamingo and across his executives.

"Commander Athos, you're too kind." You smiled sweetly." I have matters that I would like to bring up to the King and his executives." You glared at one particular member of the family.

Doflamingo wasn't blind to the fury behind your eyes. He wondered what had you so furious. His darling sweet wife, regarded to be the most beautiful woman in the world, whose beauty and grace would have started wars between men and even kingdoms, was particularly aggravated today.

Diamante and Pica admitted that seeing you like this made them uneasy. Why? Because you had Doflamingo to stay by your side and fight for you. You were untouchable.

"Nyeh, we are discussing other matters here." Trebol's nasally voice casually spoke to you. "Matters that you don't need to know."

Your smile remained but it was no longer sweet and kind as you poured yourself a glass of wine.

Ignoring Trebol, you looked at your husband whose grin never left his face. He takes your hand in his and pressed a kiss on your knuckles. The man worshipped you. He's known you since he was child, a loyal member of the family who relayed to him the most valuable information.

"What bothers you, my dear?"

"First of all, something my handmaidens told me." You tilted your head with a smile.

"What about them nyeh?"

"They are half your age and you shouldn't harass them."

Pica, Vergo and Diamante hid their amusement at your forwardness. This meeting will not go down well.

"Nyeh? Am I annoying them?"

"You get too close." You sipped your wine.

"What do you want me to do nyeh?"

"I want you to stay away from them. They are merely girls, not women."

"Nyeh!? Why are you bringing up such trivial—"

"And," you interrupted him, your voice still calm but controlling. The tension in the room increasing. "Sugar told me that you almost destroyed one of the orphanages in one of the towns."

"There was trouble there Nyeh. I had to take care of it despite the damages—"

"The people—" your voice raised ever so slightly, taking control of the whole room. "Are what keeps the King on the throne. My duties are to care for them and to keep their favour so that if any opposition dare comes to question the current royal family, the people are at our sides. The throne is nothing without people to govern."

Vergo nodded, agreeing with the sharp tongued Queen.
Trebol displayed a piece of paper on the table.

"Nyeh,Nyeh... I'm permitted to do as I please, despite the collateral damage—"

You took the paper in your hand and read through his horribly written report that the Executive Officers usually made for Doffy but you didn't even read past the first sentence before the sound of paper being slowly ripped filled the silence.

"Is this your protection?" You raised your brow, as you tore it apart and letting it drop on the table. "A piece of paper?"

Trebol glanced at his long time friend Doflamingo for the disrespect you were showing him but the grinning War Lord never tore his gaze from you.

"Maybe I should wear the armour and you the gown. If you can't handle things discreetly, I am a hundred times more reliable to do so."

You and Trebol always clashed ever since you had joined the family. Arguments and disputes about the carelessness and casual manner Trebol went about his work. Doflamingo usually never took sides but as time passed and the two of you became closer than both of you intended, he began to take your side.

Trebol would accuse you for having buried your claws in Doflamingo, saying you had him under a spell. But it was no spell of your own making, it was the Heavenly Demon himself.

"She's right, Trebol-san," Vergo spoke up, and you noticed he had a cookie on his cheek. "When we handle matters in Dressrosa it must be done discreetly to not appall or change the way the people see us."

"Y/N-san's duty is most important to keep good relations not only with the people but she is our democratic representative." Diamante defended you. "Her tactical mind is the greatest negotiation tool we have."

You drank your wine to that. Half of the times you were right and Trebol was wrong. But Doflamingo kept him around for Trebol was his longest friend,ever since he was still a child.

"Any information I should know of?" Doffy turned to you, his hand still holding yours in a possessive manner.

"My spies tell me there are enemies coming from the east, planning to attack Dressrosa's borders." You shared with your husband. "Rebels who despise you."

Doflamingo grinned for not only were you his most prized and valuable person, you were cunning and clever.

The meeting went on with the both the King and Queen of Dressrosa present, and they planned and settled things to prepare for this rebellion eventually the meeting concluded.

When you stood,  you pressed a kiss on your husband's cheek before gliding out the room, the royal guards following your suit.

"Remember to stay away from my handmaidens, Trebol-san. If I hear anymore from them about you, I'll have your hand cut off."

Doflamingo erupted in laughter at your remark. How brave of his queen to threaten Trebol like that. If you were still just an officer, he wouldn't have allowed such behaviour but you were the woman he chose to be his queen, you were second to him in power and above the Elite Officers. You've earned your title and his affection.

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