Part 11

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Things went from bad to worse. You have never seen Doflamingo as enraged as he was now than before. You've seen him angry, yes, but today couldn't compare to his fury in the past.

The Straw Hats knocked Sugar out which led to the toys turning back to humans, which meant a revolt against Doflamingo and the family was imminent. Doflamingo had moved the place to Flower Hill as the Straw Hats and Law advanced to kill him once and for all, and take Dressrosa from his grasp.

In a matter of hours, Doflamingo lost so much and you took it upon yourself to take care of Gladius, Sugar and the rest of the fallen whilst Law and Luffy arrive at the first floor for this cruel game Doflamingo has created within the confines of his Bird Cage.

"Y/N-ya..." Law muttered your name at your absence on the floor.

Naturally, Doflamingo would keep you from harm's way. Law felt he only did that only because you provided him a legacy, a child. But his many questions remained, why did you stay with him for more than a decade? What convenience did you provide that his so-called 'family' couldn't give him? Did you really love him?

"Did you know how heartbroken Y/N was at your betrayal? Law!" Doflamingo raised his voice, fingers moving as he created a clone to deal with the Straw Hat boy.

"You don't deserve her..." Law uttered, voice laced with venom.

"Who does Law?" Doflamingo chuckled deeply at the brat's insult. "No one else can have her but me."

"She's only loyal to you because she fears you!" Law yelled, advancing with an attack that Doflamingo was quick to dodge and counter. "I will finish what Corazon didn't and free Y/N!"

Doflamingo wasn't even in the slightest fazed by the younger man's speedy precise attacks. Malicious laughter sounded from your husband as he struck Law to the ground, Law was no match for the madness and strength that Doflamingo had.

You couldn't help couldn't. This was his fight...not yours. Your fight was on a different front. A front where you had no choice but to stand by the man who had protected and fought alongside you, almost all your life.

"She always pitied you, Law." Doflamingo slashed him with his strings, his foot on his chest. "The poor little boy from Flevance."

"There's nothing Y/N wouldn't do...for her family." Law struggled beneath Doflamingo's pin, escaping and attacking him once more.

"You're no longer part of that family, nyeh!" Trebol interjected.

"Corazon and I are her family!" Law swung his sword but was countered by his opponents strings.

"Is that what you're fighting for Law? For Corazon? To free her?" He laughed, licking his lips as he threw another attack at the man. "She has always been free."

"He loved her!" Law lunged at him.

Doflamingo growled as he attacked him once more with success. But then laughed at the ridicule Law was spouting.

"You didn't think I knew that Law?" He wickedly laughed as he fought Law mid air. "You think Corazon deserved my Y/N, you brat? What joke is this, Law?"

"She's not yours! I will avenge Cora-san!" Law  fought him back. He was going to fight for Cora-san. That man that saved his life...that man who showed him kindness.

He struggled against Doflamingo's strings, caught in his web that could send him to his death as the villain in front of him prepared to saw his arm off.

"Everything I do before I die...will attribute to Cora-san's legacy!" Law yelled through gritted teeth.

"Is that so? What a tear jerking sentiment." Doflamingo chuckled wickedly as he hurled him and Law back down to the battlefield, his palace.

The collision caused the building to tremble at the impact and it made you glance up from where Giolla was. Your heart raced as your mind worried over Law and Doflamingo.

"Giolla-san, I'll leave the wounded to you...I must get up there," you told her, leaving swiftly, not listening to her protests.

"It's not safe for you there Y/n-sama!"

Law's body convulsed erratically as excruciating pain shot through his body, his hand clutched his shoulder as blood spilled. His right arm severed from his form and his blood curdling screams resonating in the air.

Doflamingo stepped on Law's other arm, preventing him from wielding that sword of his, and pressed painfully.
"You ate the Op Op no Mi fruit and showed your teeth in Punk Hazard and came to fight wanted to avenge Corazon and attempt to free a woman who does not need saving..." He twisted his foot back and forth as he pressed harder, Law squirming beneath. "I won't kill you right off. I'll take the time and torment you."

Doflamingo kicked him up and struck him several times before passing him to Trebol who slammed him back hard into the ground.

Law fought back with whatever strength he had left, catching Doflamingo in the width of his 'room' and delivering a blow that had finally succeeded.

"Counter shock!!!"

Doflamingo's smile disappeared as he felt the attack within him, and delivered his own.

"Fallbright!" He slashed through Law.

He was impressed at Law's gutsiness to have fought him and that even at his severed arm state, tried to deliver another blow.

"I'll send you to meet Corazon, Law," he muttered gravely, reaching behind him to grab his pistol, the same one he had used to kill his brother.

Without any remorse, he pulled the trigger several times, but still wanted to leave some life inside him, merely to piss off the Straw Hat Captain.

"Your attempt to avenge save Y/N...has failed, Law. You better rest now." Doflamingo turned away to deal with the enraged Straw Hat beast below.

"Doflamingo..." Law coughed, making the man pause to listen to whatever he had to say in his struggle to live.

"What strings...what lies...what do you have on Y/N-ya...that trapped her with you?"

Doflamingo's smile fell as he slowly made his way back to Law, looking down at the beaten up pirate.

"I never trapped her. She has always been free, Law. Why can't you accept that? Is it really so hard to believe that every decision she has made was her own?"

"She's not as cruel as you..."

"That's true. But her loyalty lies with me, Law. Do you know why?" He knelt down, as if to rub more salt in the emotional wounds he had caused.

Law kept his glare at the vile man, too scared to know the answer.

"We've seen heaven and hell on Earth by the age of ten. We then fought through the ridicule and hate people gave us.

We took everything the world took from us. We almost died together."

Law was not aware of the past you had before you joined the family. He only knew of the kindness and love you gave him when he came into your life...he couldn't believe then that someone like you was a part of the Donquixote Family.

What Doflamingo revealed to him now, shocked him. Were you just as twisted as he was?

He didn't want to believe the implications.  This was just Doflamingo's fanatical madness that obsessed over his ambitions and his fate that has somehow been tied to yours.

The conviction in Doflamingo's voice frightened him while the man himself recalled the day he met you as children and the day that he decided that nothing else matters, except you and him.

"We belong together."

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