Part 26

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"We don't get to choose the people we love but we do have the choice to protect them."

Law searched your eyes burning with a turmoil that he knew he could never understand and yet the most heartbreaking smile was on your face. He prayed and he begged to whatever God existed that you'd have a change of heart. For he believed that what you and Doflamingo had was not love.

That it was nothing but a Devil's contract that you were yet to break away from.

"Law." You held back your tears, only to be filled with pride as Rosinante's kindness survived and thrived inside him.

"You sweet, sweet boy." You caressed his cheek. "Just like our sweet Rosi."

Your voice was laced with anguish despite speaking words that were meant to be praises he felt his heart drop.

"No, no, no, Y/N-ya." His fear and anxiety boiling inside him but not having enough strength to stop you from laying him back on the field. "Save yourself! Don't let yourself suffer for his sins!"

"You're so much like him, I don't even think you know that," you chuckled, leaning over him. "Just like him, you had put me on this pedestal. I'm not a saint, Law. No matter how good you believe me to be, I've still done things that I can never take back. Sins that I can never ever run away from, awful unimaginable things that he and I committed. Sins that he and I will suffer together."


"Because no matter how much I deny and tell myself that I do not love him, and that I've only stayed this long for the sake of my security, for my survival...was all to keep myself from that truth. The truth scared me, Law."


"Like I said, in the first flush of romance, we only see what we want to see but the truth is...I saw all of him and I was not frightened, I accepted him. It's always somewhat felt like a game with him and it gets tiring, but it doesn't matter."

Law wanted to shout some more, scream at you till you change your mind but you softly hushed him as a mother would to her distressed crying child. You pressed your lips onto his forehead like you had done so many times before when he was only a little boy.

"Goodbye, Law."

A large crash followed by an explosion on m the front where Luffy and Doflamingo fought filled the air, your eyes caught the blurry sight of the unmistakable shade of your husband's coat soar the sky in such a speed that cracked the ground he collided with.

"Cavendish, is it?"

The blonde eyed you carefully, still in disbelief that anyone in this world could harbour a love for someone such as Doflamingo.

"Watch over him...I must go." You softly smiled at the golden haired man who only nodded silently as you stood, Law's face growing pale as he watched you walk away.

"Let me save you!" he wanted to scream. "I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose you like I lost Cora-san."

But he didn't. He remained still, the pain of his severed arm moving agonizingly slow throughout his body, your form disappearing further and further away in the direction of the city.

Law turned his gaze towards the darkening sky, the white pearlescent strings that sellout swallowed the country getting closer and closer. He silently called out to Cora-san, hoping he could hear him, hoping that he could give him an answer to the question that he wanted to avoid to not weaken his will for you.

How do you save a person who doesn't want to be saved?


"The Donquixote Family is about to be obliterated. If I do nothing to take responsibility as a former executive, it's too selfish."

The young former princess's cloak pooled aground her heels, the red rose that adorned her dark brown hair removed, as well as the golden clip that held her hair in the fashion she always wore them in. Her hazel eyes stared fiercely at the man who had taken everything away from her true family many years ago and decided to take the beast head-on.

The wind wailed as it blew, her long locks swaying at its direction as she drew a knife, in a prepared stance to fight the pirate before her.

Doflamingo found her foolish bravery to be annoying as well as amusing, his grin grew even wider.

"Either I will die," she spoke, a conviction in her voice. "Or you will..."She raised her knife, eyes on her target, ready to pounce. "Doffy!"

Was that supposed to scare him? A deep dangerous chuckle left Doflamingo. She was very much pushing and overstepping boundaries that would meet her end. She even addressed him in the nickname that only his Elite officers and his Queen are allowed to use. Such a foolish woman.

Her betrayal will not go unpunished, and like all those who had betrayed him, they always redeem themselves with their lives.

"You're very passionate...Violet," he seethed, remembering all the times he had turned a blind eye for he didn't want to lose such an important asset. Then he remembered that one night they shared, a time where you were away and he needed very much to blow off some steam. One of Violet's very first offenses to you and him, it was a night he resented Violet for, a night that had his darling Queen rain fire over him, and will never forget the fury in your eyes when you found out, and the agonizing Cold War between you two.


6 years ago...

In the dead of night, silence filled the winding halls of the palace, shadows were longer and darker and at this hour, usually, everyone would be asleep.

"Y/N-sama, are you sure you don't want me to draw a bath?" One of your handmaiden's whispered as she followed you, three paces behind you.

"Odette, what I need is to rest," you chuckled. "You should go back to bed."

"Are you sure? I'm here to help you change from your gown to your nightwear." Her young doe eyes looked up at you.

"There will be no need for that tonight. Rest is all I need," you reassured her, your hand on the doorknob of the King and Queen's chambers. "And my husband."

Odette's face went pale as if her blood was being drained from her being. Her eyes were as wide as saucers and trembling shifting to anywhere but you, and that small pit in your stomach when you had returned churned even more.

Your smile fell.

"What is it?"

"Your Grace, I do not want to be the bearer of such horrid rumors...but the other handmaidens who remained here have been whispering about it." Odette looked down at her clasped hands, too scared to gaze into her Queen's eyes.

"Rumours about what?"

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