Part 12

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19 years ago

Was this really the end for him? How did he even get himself into such a mess such as this? He wanted to laugh his frustrations away but the Navy somehow cornered him where he least expected.

You and him were supposed to finish a deal with one of his important investors in the underground but it seemed that that investors loyalty had been bought by the marines.

He found it amusing that the Navy believed him to be so dangerous at the age of seventeen that they brought five warships with them. It flattered him. They treated him as if he was a Buster Call situation.

He chuckled and did not wince the slightest as you two laid against the wall, side by side in the dark room, eyes forward at the only entrance that could lead to the two of you. Bodies were piled up around the door's entrance, those who had dared tried to kill him were only put down by either you or him.

"Why so silent Y/N? Have you finally given up?" He teased. "Are you praying to the Gods?"

A marine appeared ready to go inside the building you two were in and you shot him before he could even notice the two of you.

"Don't make me laugh,Doffy," you murmured, your head pounding and your body aching.

"Won't you ask them for mercy?" He went on. If this was how he was going to go, he wanted to relish whatever company was given to him.

But he didn't expect you to have replied with the words you chose.

"The Gods have no mercy, Doffy. That's why they're gods."
His smile fell for a second and watched as you shot another incoming enemy but it immediately returned as he bellowed deeply at your response.

This must be one of the reasons the two of you had been fated to meet. He doesn't have to say a single word to know that you understood him better than anyone and how you understood, was beyond him.

"Are you ready to die Y/N?" He chuckled but it was actually a serious question.

"I've been ready to die since I was eight...I thought the world was not done with me yet. It seems that now... it is."
"You really believe in the universe? Our fate is what we make of it."

He finally looked at you. Truly looked at you.
There was no fear in your eyes, just a small bittersweet smile on the face that he has grown so accustomed to as the years that has definitely bloomed and still was, into a unique countenance that entranced him.

"If fate is what we make it...then we're not going to die here.

Not today," you murmured, reloading your gun.

"The world is a horrid place isn't it?" He chuckled, cutting another enemy with the simple twitch of his fingers. "It's been cruel to you and I...they took everything from you. They took everything from me."

His teeth ground against each other as he thought of the fall from grace that he didn't deserve. He despised the Celestial Dragons...he despised everything they ruled over. He was better than them. They were nothing but weak bastards too scared of his greatness.

"I'll never forget what you've done for me..."You turned your head to face him.

"I'll never forget what you've done for me...for my mother..."

"I didn't help very much though with that did I?" You murmured.

" helped me and my brother survive the torment my father put us through while you yourself was going through hell."

His tone was serious now but laced with whatever small hint of gratitude he allowed himself to express.

"Everything..." you spoke, but your voice trembled.

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