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This is not my first book but please expect errors in my spelling and probably some things mixed up or not making since.

But for this book I will give Y/n a slightly specific description mainly with how Y/n acts and what kinda clothing they wear for the book and a bit with the hair.

But basically Y/n has Messy hair that has a couple leaves and stuff stuck in they're hair (If your hair is thick there's more leaves in it and if your hair is thin then there's less leaves)

Y/n wears a gray hoodie that's a bit to big for them so one of the sleeves hang off they're shoulder.

They wear a white t-shirt under the sweater and baggy black shorts or pants (idk you choose) and both are stained in some dirt.

Just like Mono and six, Y/n does not wear shoes.

Y/n's eyes are a bright color of (Any color) and they always look tired.

Y/n seems like a serious kid since they always keep the same facial expression (Tired and slightly monotone)

Y/n only shows kindness and comfort to those who are trustworthy and show kindness and comfort to them as well.

But if you have a OC you can change the eyes and the clothing too.

Also when a character that isn't Y/n talks the font with be like this: "Example."

Or this:

When Y/n talks the font will look like this:

Ok this part is over you may start reading the actual book!

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