1: Drift

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This starts of in Little nightmares 2 but has some mentions of very little nightmares!

Anyway enjoy!


♤《Y/n's POV》♤

I layed flat on my back looking up at the sky that got darker from clouds by the minutes.

...I could have saved her...but I just stood there...what kind of friend am I...

~{8 hour's ago}~

Me and my friend ran through the rocks of the cliff running from the girl covered in pale makeup.

"Y/n! You go left! I go right!"

I nodded and continued to run straight as my friend turned left.

I went uphill a bit and ended up having to turn left when further ahead.

I made my way past some bushes and came to a ledge. I was about to turn around but then saw my friend also at a ledge cornered by the girl.

Above them was the girl with long black hair trying to push a rock onto the ledge my friend and the pale girl were on.

Then she managed to push it onto the pale girl's head and I stared before starting to cheet drawing the attention of my friend and the girl towards me.

"You did it! Hahaha! We can get outta here safely now!"

I cheered out and my friend slightly chuckled and was about to walk over the dead- well I hope- body of the pale girl and come to where I was.

Before she could take a second step the pale girl sat up quickly and tackled her off the ledge.

Time seemed to slow down. I stared at my friend as she fell down the ledge. She looked at me with a scared and shocked expression before it shifted to a calmed one.

She gently smiled at me and then time seemed to go back to normal and she fell down with the pale girl.

I began to rush down the cliff climbing on rocks and holding onto roots that stuck out.

'Please, please, please, please, please-'

Once at the bottom I froze in my tracks seeing that there was water. Most people would think that she had a safe landing but something was wrong...

Then her raincoat floated to the surface and she was no where to be seen.

I stared at the water no tears forming in my eyes...I couldn't...she wouldn't want me too...

I glanced to my side and saw a makeshift raft out of twigs and small logs stuck between some rocks.

I slowly got up still holding a sad and panicked facel expression. I stumbled a bit as I walked towards it and got it out of the rocks.

I put it on the water and sat on it and pushed myself out into sea.

I looked up at how high the place we were trapped in was.

We got so far...yet...everything comes to a end...


I rolled onto my side and stared at the approaching fog. I sat back up and looked down at the water looking at my reflection.

My lips were chapped and my eyes had dark rings forming under them.

I pulled a twig out of my hair and threw it into the water as I continued to drift on the raft.

...So hungry...

I then spotted a couple fish swimming by and something in me seemed to snap.

I raised a hand and lunged it into the water hand pulled a fish out. I began to drool at the sigh of something edible.

My grip on the fish grew tighter and my slightly sharp nails began to dig into its scales.

At the sight of its blood I snapped out of my trance and accidentally let the fish go.


I layed flat on my back again and closed my eyes.

'Maybe a little rest will help...'


Sorry this chapter was short but when chapter's with the action and stuff come up then the chapter's will be longer.

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