2: Music

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I can't wait until little nightmares 3...I feel like it's another Six and Mono situation. The one that goes through mirrors becomes some monster that can do just that because they got left behind by they're only friend.

Also why does so much of the things there stick out to me. Like the crows. Never heard of crows in a desert like place. And the fact that they stopped holding hands in the logo.

Anyway onto the book.


♤《Y/n's POV》♤

The sounds of leaves crunching and the sound of seagulls and waves were no longer heard.


I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed them just to be met with darkness. It felt like I was inside something. I felt around and it had a dry kind of texture to it.

'Probably a sack...'

I then found a small hole and peaked my eye through it. Trees. Just trees. There were a bunch of leaves on the ground that were obviously hiding something.

I could see pieces of metal and rope sticking out of the leaves. There were nets full of...something...hanging from the trees.


Next to the sack I was in was what looked to be the end of a shotgun. Then whoever...or whatever...was carrying me walked into a cabin.

The smell of raw meat filled my nose. We passed a door and I saw a table with people- no...fake people sitting at it.

'Must be lonely.'

It felt odd being inside a building without the sounds of those gray gnome things running around in the walls and no light unlike that place that was a whole damn mansion.

Then another sound filled my ears.

It was quiet but to me it drowned out the sounds of this thing's stomping and countless flies.

It was nice...calm...familiar...To familiar for my liking...but it was still nice.

The sounds grew louder as I saw that I was now being carried down some stairs.

Then a door that was out of my vision was heard opening and the sack was then opened and I was dumped onto the wooden ground face first.

I sat up and noticed drops of blood hitting the ground. My nose was bleeding. Great. Just great.

The door was roughly shut behind me and it was locked.

I glanced around the room.

Just like in the mansion everything was huge. Well in the mansion everything was smaller and felt more built for people my size but everything here felt bigger and more ominous.

There was a blanket and pillow in the corner so I could try and make a makeshift bed, a table that I could walk under while still standing, and a couple scratch marks on the floor and walls.

Then I went back to focusing on the music. It sounded like it was in the room next to me.

¤《Six's POV》¤

I continued to play my music box ignoring the sound of the hunter putting something in the room next to mine thinking it was just another animal to be slaughtered later.

The something knocked on the wooden wall that separated mine and the other room.

I continued to ignore it.

Then a voice called out. I never heard another voice in so long. Despite the person's voice being quite neutral it sounded smooth as silk and very calming.


I stopped playing my music box as I froze in place from the sudden sound.

"...I know your there...talk..."

I shook my head trying to focus before speaking.

"Who are you...?"

The voice went silent.

'No no no please keep talking please!'

I thought to myself wanting the voice to respond.

"...Who am I...?"

The voice spoke before going silent again. The silence felt to long for me.

"I'm...Y/n...who are you...?"


"I'm Six."

I got up and went over to the wall and sat infront of it. Why do I wish it wasn't there.

"Hey Six..."


"Can you play that music again?...It sounds nice..."

Now I was the one that went silent.

'Huh...I guess we found something we both can enjoy...'

I got up and grabbed the music box and then sat back down infront of the wall and then started playing the music again.

I then heard Y/n starting to hum along with it and it brought a smile to my face.

This music was my comfort space...but never brought a smile to my face like
Y/n now just did.

I haven't even seen they're face yet and I already like them...

They're voice is like a dream.


Hope you liked this chapter!

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