3.5 : before

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This is a filler chapter! It's mainly just Y/n and my new favorite character "Noone"


♤{Y/n's POV}♤

I shot up from my bed and my breathing was heavy. Those nightmares again.

"Oh! Y/n your finally awake!"

I looked to my side to see my best friend in this place.


We both had odd nightmares that we saw eachother in when we arrived and ever sence we hung out.

Sometimes we would each be in different places in the place Noone has called "No where"

I one night I had I dream I was stuck in some laboratory and Noone said she was in some city.

We both met someone in are dreams that night.

She met a boy named Jester and I met a girl named After.

After had a black cape and a green dress under. She had a bandaid on her nose and weared white headphones.

When I met her and asked her where I was she said she didn't know either but she did know where she was heading.

She said she was going to a place called "The sanctuary"

I went with her and we saw...something...I can never remember what we saw or what took her. But it was like a shadow...


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back at Noone.

"Sorry...These dreams are just...getting to me..."

"Why haven't you told Otto?"

"...I don't trust him..."

She nodded and then took my hand.

"Come on! I heard today's breakfast is {F/b}!"

I smiled and hummed and we both walked through the halls of the place I like to call the refuge. The real name of this place sounds to depressing.

We began to giggle as I went
"Tag! Your it!"

I began to run away as Noone chased me.

"No fair!"

She whined as she ran after me. I giggled and took a sharp turn and looked behind me to see Noone smiling and laughing as she ran after me.

Her face then went to panicked as she pointed infront of me and was about to shout something.

Then everything went black. I heard the faint voice of Noone fade away.

"Why would you do that!?"

All she got in return was laughing and a kid yelling.


And with that I slipped into unconscious as Noone shook me trying to get me to wake up.

◇{Noone's POV}◇

I began to panic and I began to look around trying to spot anyone to help. Then I heard a familiar voice from the next hall over.

I got up and ran towards it.

"Otto! Otto!"

I opened a door and saw Otto and he seemed startled.

"Noone! You scared me! Is something the matter. You seem anxious. Was it a dream?"

"No no! It's Y/n! Some other kids knocked them out with a soccer ball!"

Otto got up and I ran out of the room as Otto followed. And there where I left them was Y/n.

"Oh dear...Let me take them to my office and you can tell me more about what happened..."

Otto picked up Y/n and carried them to his office and layed them on a couch. I sat in a chair and Otto checked Y/n for any bleeding and then sat in his chair.

"They should be fine. Now tell me. What happened?"

"Well...I woke up Y/n and we talked a bit. Then we were heading to get breakfast and then the other kids...I think they're names were Sasha, Mia, and Ash."

"That sounds accurate. They are the main trouble makers here."

I nodded. I looked at Y/n and felt bad for them. Not just because they were hurt...Because I knew that they are now asleep...

...They are in the No where...


Sorry I'm not publishing alot I have writers block and my mental health is kinda low.

Anyway hope you Enjoyed this chapter!

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