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So I kinda wanted to give you guys more info about Y/n and what has happened before the present time in the book so here we go.

Y/n first came to the Counties Psychiatric Institute when they began to hear things and have odd dreams like Noone

After spending a week there they could tell that Otto was not to be trusted so they made up lies about they're dreams or stear the talk the other way. Something they are good at.

After 2 weeks Y/n met Noone and they began talking.

Day 10 Y/n has the dream about After (After is my OC)

On day 16 of knowing Noone. Noone and Y/n saw eachother in they're dreams and decided to stick together if they ever came across eachother in those dreams.

Day 21 Otto began to suspect some things about Y/n with the dreams because Noone would mention Y/n in the dreams but not say they're name and only describe a part of them and present to have forgotten the rest. It is also when the first chapter of the series takes place.

Day 34 This is when Noone has the dream with Jester in it and Y/n already knew about him because Noone and Y/n were both there. A different night

Y/n appears in the same dreams as Noone in "A penance at the bathhouse" and "Theater of the mind"

Y/n goes missing a week before Noone. Awhile after Y/n's absence Noone finally breaks and tells Otto about Y/n and her sharing the dreams.

When the candle man gets Y/n they wake up in "The nest" and meets raincoat girl or some like to call Five.

Y/n and Five meet while they are in the walls with the gnomes.

They got along and since they got close so fast they both where like siblings.

Then Five dies, Y/n gets depressed,
Y/n goes savage for a second on a fish, Y/n falls asleep and the boat they were on takes them to the island the hunter is on, Hunter finds Y/n, and I think you know the rest.

If you have questions you may ask me!

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