3: Found

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Hope your enjoying so far!

Also sorry this took awhile I currently have writers block.


♤《Y/n's POV》♤

"...So what happened before you got here?..."

Six asked.

"...I would rather not talk about it..."


Me and Six have been talking for a couple hours now none of us have seen eachothers faces yet but either way we are friends.

I stared at the ground looking at all the drawings I made with a piece of chalk Six have me through a tiny hole in the wall.

Most of them were just me and my old friend if we did make it out. If she lived. But one stuck out to me.

I don't remember drawing it. But I know I did.

It was a drawing of me and 2 other kids.

One wore a bird mask and the other wore goggles and looked like they stole gear from some plan.

Above all three of me and the 2 kids was a mirror. Atleast that's what it looked to be.

Six began to play her music box again but I ignored it this time.

I then had the urge to draw again. My body began to move on its own and I began to draw some other things.

~{1 hour later}~

I stared at my slightly bleeding finger.

I drew alot.

The chalk had run out and I ended up cutting my hand on a nail in the floorboards.

I sighed and just let it be. It would stop eventually.

Six has been playing her music box then going in silence then playing it again.

I stood up and looked up at the window that was far too high for me to reach or even get too.

I then saw somethings shadow peering in through the window.

It stopped and walked closer to the window its figure now a bit more clear. It seemed to have something over its head.

It then walked away.

Probably just some other kid. Probably also won't even come in here. It's too dangerous. Everyone that is still normal and alive knows better than to group up.

I walked over to the folded blanket and pillow that sat in the corner of the room.

I unfolded the blanket and layed it out across the ground and then grabbed the pillow and layed down on the blanket putting the pillow under my head.

The blanket was pretty large and thick so I was pretty comfortable.

I closed my eyes and began to fall asleep to Six's music box.

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