"Tim Bradford says sorry?"

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Tim made his way out after changing into his uniform, Lucy being the first thing he saw sitting in the Roll-Call room. Sure, there were a few other cops in there along with her, but he didn't care nearly as much about them as he did her.

And that scared the shit out of him.

He briskly shuffled into the briefing room, taking his place next to Grey in the front.

As Grey went on about their BOLO suspect, Tim had to literally force himself to take his eyes off Lucy. Multiple times. Yet, she didn't look at him once.

"Oh, and one more thing," Grey interrupted himself as he tapped Tim on the forearm, "Thorsen, you'll be taking Lucy's spot on Go-fer duty." Aaron nodded and looked at Tim who had a confused look on his face. "Alright, thats it. Be safe out there," Grey ended as he always did before waving everyone out to get started on patrol.

Lucy made her way out into the bullpen before being stopped in her tracks by a loud, "Chen."

She rolled her eyes before turning around to face Tim.

"You ceased your go-fer duty before clearing it with your sergeant first?" he prodded, his eyebrows furrowed.

"No, sir. I cleared it with Sergeant Grey," she deadpanned before turning around and making her way into the garage.


"Slow day, huh Sarge?" Aaron attempted, trying to snap Tim out of the trance he was in.

"Uh, yeah. Definitely," he responded and forced a fake chuckle before tuning into the radio as it crackled on.

"7-L-19, I have a positive ID on BOLO suspect. Send backup and airship to my location," Lucy asserted over the radio. Aaron flicked the sirens and lights on as Tim floored the gas pedal.

Of course, the day she chose to have herself moved out of riding with Tim was the day she found their guy.

Yeah, he was proud, but it hit his ego like a semi-truck.


"Code 4, suspect in custody," Tim barked at his handheld radio as he watched Lucy cuff the man kneeling in front of her.

"Nice work," he mumbled to her as she walked to her shop. She just nodded before pushing the suspect down into the backseat and planting herself in the driver's.


Lucy made her way into the locker room, almost bumping into Nyla, who looked dead on her feet. "Hey, Lucy. Good work today!" she said before yawning.

Lucy giggled and nodded before briskly making her way around Nyla, but before she made it in the locker room Nyla spoke, "And also, if you need someone to back you up on taking the detective's exam, you know who to call."

Lucy spun around and met Nyla's wink before she turned around and sluggishly walked to the parking lot. Lucy turned back around with a grin that went up to her ears and strutted into the locker room.

"Hey, Luce," Angela chirped as Lucy rounded the corner, "That was some pretty good work today! We should celebrate."

Angela winked and Lucy giggled. "Thank you! And yeah, I agree one-hundred percent," Lucy said as she unbuttoned her uniform shirt.

Angela gathered her belongings before walking out, "Great! Los Torres?"

Lucy nodded and began to free her hair of the bun it was in, "Perfect."


"Oh my god, Lucy, Hurry up!" Jackson complained from the living room of her apartment.

"Give me, like, 10 more minutes!"

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