"i miss ur voice"

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Lucy becomes engulfed with goosebumps as she opens the text.

Tim: What a night, huh?

Lucy: tell me about it LOL

Tim: We should talk about it.

Lucy: should we tho?

Tim: Yes, Luce, we should. We both saw what happened. We both FELT what happened.

"Luce," she mumbled to herself. He's never called her that before.

Lucy: enlighten me

Tim: So you're just not going to acknowledge it?

Lucy: not what i said
Lucy: i said 'enlighten me,' meaning i want u to start

Tim: Stubborn.
Tim: Okay, then. I'll be blunt. I wanted to kiss you.

Lucy squeals and has to refrain from throwing her phone across the room.

Lucy: i
Lucy: also wanted to kiss u 🫣

Tim: I'm glad we're on the same page. That would have been very embarrassing.

Lucy: wowww wanting to kiss me is embarrassing?

Tim: You know that isn't what I meant, you goof.
Tim: Wanting to kiss you would never be embarrassing.

Lucy: trying to fluster me over the phone, bradford?

Tim: I am doing no such thing...

Lucy: mhmm
Lucy: is that all u wanted to say?

Tim: Initially, yes, but I was also hoping that we could just...talk.
Tim: I like talking to you.

Lucy: awww
Lucy: stop it or i'll blush

Tim: What if I want you to?
Tim: Blush looks good on you.

Lucy: ughh
Lucy: why do u do this

Tim: You know why.

Lucy: can i call u?
Lucy: i miss ur voice

"Fuckfuckfuckfuck," Lucy squeals into her pillow as soon as she send the message.

* Ring ring *

She quickly removes her face from the pillow, composing herself enough to pick up the phone.

"Not even a response," Lucy spoke into the phone.

"Took too much time. Didn't wanna keep you waiting," Tim quipped.

"See, this is why I immediately regretted sending that text," she scoffed as she heard him chuckle at her annoyance.

"So," he began, "When did you get that tattoo? The one on your back."

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