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After getting a high priority call right before they could continue their conversation, Lucy and Tim decided that they needed to talk in someplace more...private.


"My place, as soon as you can," Tim whispers in Lucy's ear from behind, sending electric currents throughout her body.

She whips around to face him, having no idea he was anywhere in the world.

"Holy—, you scared the shit out of me!" she
whisper-yells before slapping his arm playfully.

He chuckles, obviously amused by the way she reacted to his sudden approach, before winking at her and walking out to the parking lot.


* Knock, Knock *

Tim gets up from his couch, shaking the jitters out of his body before opening his front door.

"Come on in, Luce," he beams, stepping backwards.

She complies and Tim shuts the door behind her. They stand there for a moment, awkward tension filling the space between and around them.

"Can I get you anything?" Tim finally breaks the silence.

"Um...Do you have any tea?"

"Mm-hm. Come take your pick."

She follows him to the kitchen and looks through a basket of tea bags, eventually picking a hibiscus tea.

Tim brews it and hands Lucy the mug, and she plants herself on one of the island stools across the counter from him.

She sips the tea and hums contently, closing her eyes and letting her head drop back.

The action send an increase in blood flow straight to Tim's groin. He clears his throat and shakes his head.

"I didn't take you for the kind of person to drink tea," she mumbles before taking another sip.

"What can I say? You've made quite the influence on me."

Lucy giggles at his quip before zoning out on the kitchen counter.

"What are you thinking?" Tim asks, basically appearing on the the stool next to her.

"Oh, nothing."

She looks up at him and he's already looking at her intently.

His gaze burns a hole right through her facade, making her roll her eyes, smirk, and sigh.

"Fine. What the hell did you mean in the shop this morning?"

"That's funny, I...Actually I don't know."

"Tim!" Lucy exclaims, slapping his chest.

He smiles warmly at her. "I could live in this moment,"  he thinks. Inches away from the girl he never thought he'd be this close to. The girl who brought the light back into his life. The girl who saw the best in him when he couldn't.

"I meant it, Lucy."

"You said that part already."

"I— Seriously? Can you just shut up with the witty comments for, like, 10 seconds?" Tim teases, and a look of false hurt occupies Lucy face, making Tim roll his eyes and smirk.

"As I was saying...I meant what I said before I hung up. I had no idea you heard it, but that doesn't change anything."

Lucy's eyes gloss over as she looks into Tim's. They're filled with emotion, making her heart flutter.

"Lucy if you cry, I'll cry. Do. Not. Cry."

Lucy doubles over in laughter at Tim's sudden deadpan, and his heart smiles at the sound.

She stops laughing after a moment and he takes this moment to hold her hands in his.

"Lucy, you have changed my life. I would not be where I am today if it weren't for you. Your ability to see the absolute best in everyone, even me, when I was completely incapable of doing so has changed my perspective on everything. You are my sunshine," he confesses and a tear rolls down Lucy's cheek.

"And, I know, this is a lot. We're in a super awkward position and it'll be bumpy at first, but I truly believe we'll get through it." He pauses for a moment to look at her expression. Her eyes say everything he needs to know.

Tim rises from the stool and spin's Lucy's around so her back is against the counter, and he stands between her knees. He pushes a stray piece of hair behind her ear as she looks up at him, her eyes wide and hopeful.

They stay like this for a while before Lucy finally breaks the silence.

"Tim, if you don't kiss me right now, I'm going to be very upset."

He chuckles at her admission before leaning down and hovering right above her lips, smirking. She sits there for a second or two before opening her eyes, scoffing, and grabbing his collar to pull his lips against hers.

Their lips meet, and they practically melt into each other. Tim's tongue brushes against Lucy's bottom lip, and she welcomes him almost immediately. He explores her mouth as she explores his, refusing to break apart for air.

Lucy is the first to pull away, gasping and panting. Tim leans back up, straightening his back, and resting his hands on Lucy's hips.

"That was so worth the wait," he mumbles, his voice low and sultry.

"Agreed," she hums in the same tone before standing up, her body flush against his.

Tim's hands find the small of her back, pulling her impossibly closer to him.

Lucy's arms snake around the back of his neck. They're both clinging to each other like they'll slip away if they let go.

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