Omnia Causa Fiunt

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"God damnit, Lucy..." Tim breathes, releasing her back with one hand to rub the bridge of his nose.

She looks up at him, concerned. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Tim drops his head to her shoulder, and Lucy shifts her hands to run them up and down his back.

"You just...Fuck—You just drive me crazy," Tim husks against her neck, sending shivers down Lucy's spine.

She giggles seductively in response to Tim's sudden confession as he begins to plant open-mouthed kisses to the ink that adorns her neck.

A soft moan escapes Lucy's lips as the heat of Tim's tongue appreciates her skin, making him shudder. Tim's hands fiddle with the hem of her shirt before slipping under it to caress the smooth skin of her belly. Lucy's hands meet his wrists as she exhales shakily.

"I think we should stop here."

Tim swiftly lifts his head from her neck to look down at her with his head tilted in confusion.

She giggles quietly at his reaction before explaining, "We haven't even established what we are yet. I feel like that should definitely be a priority."

A subtle look of annoyance occupies Tim's expression.

"Okay, then. You're mine," he growls as he lowers his mouth to her neck again.

She releases a scoff mixed with a moan before pushing Tim's head back up.

"And...I don't wanna rush this," Lucy murmurs, "I wanna do this right."

His eyes involuntarily shift between her eyes and her lips—several times—before he finally nods in agreement.

After reading his sullen expression and sad smile, Lucy can tell that Tim is disappointed he wouldn't get to have his way with her tonight.

In an attempt to fulfill some his needs, she unexpectedly brings her lips to his again, but this just makes Tim's desire for Lucy deepen.

The warmth of her mouth, the quiet moans he's swallowing, her taste—all things he could definitely get used to. If there was a way to live in Lucy's mouth, Tim would take the chance without a second thought.

Tim's want gets the best of him as he hungrily scrapes his tongue throughout her mouth. Lucy moans a quiet protest before gripping his biceps, deepening their kiss to a slower, more sensual pace.

They don't even have to speak for the other to know every word they want to say. Their mouths intertwine with such unspoken emotion—such yearning desire—that almost makes Lucy's knees buckle.

She breaks away from his mouth, tugging at his bottom lip with her teeth.

"You're bad," Tim murmurs with a devilish smirk.

"You like it though."

"No. I love it."

Lucy squeaks in surprise at the sensation of Tim's large hand squeezing her ass, the other slithering up her body to get tangled in her hair.

"Maybe I could stay a little longer," she hums.

"Oh yeah?" Tim chuckles, lowering his mouth to her jaw.

"Mm-hmm," Lucy purrs.

Tim fondles the generous globe of her ass, making Lucy exhale a shaky breath. His mouth migrates to the tattoo on her neck to trace over the ink with his tongue, earning a whine from her.

"Sensitive, baby?" he mumbles against her neck.

"Yes," she breathes, her knees almost giving out.

Both of Tim's hands travel to the backs of her thighs, giving them both a firm tap to signal for Lucy to hop up.

She does so, wrapping her legs around Tim's waist. He pads into his bedroom, his tongue still making Lucy writhe in his arms. She bites her bottom lip to hold back moans as Tim nips at the tender skin of her neck.

He breaks contact to set her down on the edge of his bed and look down at her lovingly. Lucy props herself up with her hands angled slightly behind her as Tim cups her face with his hands.

"Now we should actually stop here," she giggles, turning her head to press a kiss to his palm.

"Okay, fine," he mumbles, taking steps closer to her position on the bed. This makes her scoot backward, watching him intently.

"Tim...I don't like that look," she giggles nervously and he gets down to his hands and knees on the bed.

He crawls towards her as she scrambles backward. In a matter of seconds, her back is flush against the headboard and Tim is kneeling over her.

"You're adorable when you're worried."

Her eyes widen and her brows furrow before she swats at his chest.

"You bastard! You were stalking me like a fucking lion!"

"That was the point, love," he chuckles before scooping her up in one—surprising quick—motion, laying back against the mattress as Lucy straddles his thighs. She looks down at him, breathing hitched and eyes darkened.

"Lay down. I'm not trying to start anything."

She exhales shakily, lowering herself onto his chest. She can feel his arousal against her throbbing core.

"Oh yeah?" She tilts her head up to look at his face as she cups him through his sweats, earning a soft whine.

"Y—Yes, Luce. I just want to hold you," he breathes as she traces circles over his erection with her thumb, "Unless you are trying to start something?"

She giggles lustfully at the shy hope in his voice before releasing him and bringing her hand up to his chest.


Tim exhales deeply, part relief and part disappointment.

They lay there for a moment while their heartbeats slow and their breathing returns to normal.

"What does your tattoo say?"

Lucy furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

"The one on your back. What does it say?"

"Oh. You like that one a lot, huh?"

Tim shrugs smugly

"It says 'Omnia Causa Fiunt.' It means 'everything happens for a reason,'" she finally answers his question.

His gaze meets hers and he just stares for a moment.

"What?" she scoffs with a smile.

"Nothing. It's just...very fitting."

"Mm. Yeah I...I guess it is," Lucy agrees before her eyes flutter closed.

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