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This is just a quick announcement for all those who don't follow me or who might not have seen it - I have a new fic coming out called Eden!

It will be updated probably twice a week, I'm writing it as I go so we'll see. 

Eden is a AU Spideychelle fanfic slowburn, and I think it may end up being overall more an Avengers fic than just Peter - but it's definitely Peter-centric and it's from his point of view. Featuring - an alternate universe where I mush up canon timelines because I can't be bothered! Nature! All of the Avengers! Peter trying to prove himself! Really, so much nature! MJ being awesome (though she comes in later)! Probably way too much nature seriously where did it all come from!

Below, I will put an exerpt from the first chapter - which is published now - so you can check it out!

Hope you like it!


Peter Parker was tired. 

This wasn't new - the young hero was often tired. Super-heroing was hard work. (And yes, superheroing was a word, no matter what his best friend Ned liked to say.) 

Right now, it was 11:30 pm on a Wednesday, Peter had a Geography test the next day, and all he wanted was to be in bed. 

Surprisingly, the end of the world didn't care about his sleep schedule. Or his education. 

"Cheer up, kid," Tony said, voice coming through the speakers in Peter's nano-suit. The man was fully heroed up, his Iron Man suit hovering in the air adjacent to where Peter was clinging to the side of the building. 

New York was always alive at night, but right now, it was alive in a different sort of way - a bad sort of way. The sort of way where panicked whispers made their incessant way into his ears, and it soon felt like all of it was way, way too much. 

"I'm cheerful, Sir," he said, supressing a yawn. "I'm just - not exactly sure what I'm doing here, is all?" 

"Didn't want to leave you alone in the Tower," Tony said, doing his best to shrug through the metal of his suit. "Not with - everything." 

Everything being his Aunt taking a well-deserved vacation, and with May away, and everyone else out on this call, Peter being alone at the tower. 

Everything being the cryptic threats that made it very clear that the Avengers Tower - and it's inhabitants - were in danger. 

It had been two years since Peter and May had moved in, when Peter was only fourteen, but it felt like a lifetime. It was his home, and he hated that he now couldn't be there alone without being in danger. 

He hated that the others treated him like he couldn't take care of himself - but to be fair, he was still pretty breakable. He'd proven that more than enough times. 

Despite the fact that they clearly saw him as a kid, they must think he had some use. Or Mr. Stark wouldn't have trained him - and he wouldn't be out here right now. 

"Take a look at that," Mr. Stark said, gestering the opposite way Peter had been looking. He craned his neck around - and his jaw dropped. 

"What the - " Peter said, staring at what was once a completely normal block of downtown New York. As in, literally a day ago. Peter had stopped by a Starbucks for coffee, right there  - except he'd only gotten a hot chocolate, because the combination of caffeine and his spidey-senses was not a good one. 

Now, where businesses and concrete and sidewalks and people had once crowded, there was a park. Admittedly, it was a very nice park, Peter thought, but that didn't change the fact that there was now a grassy, lightly treed square of land where once there had been city. 

Unlike a park, though, there was no boundary between it and the rest of the city - it just kept going, until it didn't. Tree branches scraped against skyscraper windows. Grass spilled on sidewalks. Vines wound their way up signpoles. At the side of the road, a car protruded halfway from the new park, the front half of it normal, the back completely obscured by greenery. 

"Now, what do you suppose could do something like that?" Mr. Stark asked, in that way he had, where it was mostly sarcasm but also kinda hoping the universe might just drop an answer at his feet. Peter had heard that tone more and more, as the universe had gotten weirder and weirder in the past couple of years. 

"Looks mighty strange to me, Stark," came a voice from above Peter. He looked up to see Steve Rogers - or Captain America, rather - standing on the edge of the building, barely illuminated by the streetlights and general light pollution. 

Peter thought he looked completely badass. 

"They don't have parks where you come from, Cap?" Mr. Stark said, and Peter sighed. Despite the fact that they were friends, Tony liked to do his best to pretend otherwise. Sometimes, Peter thought that Mr. Stark liked to pretend he was above the idea of having friends at all. 

"They don't have parks like that, no," Cap said, and even though Peter couldn't see his face, he was fairly sure the man was raising an eyebrow. "And given the way the kid looks right now, I'd say it isn't normal for this time, either." 

"Hey," Peter said, and closed the hood of his suit, so no one could see his burning cheeks. 

"Oh," Nat said, through the comms. "Are we making the kid blush again?" 

The others laughed. Peter just grumbled, though his chest felt warm. 

This was his family, this and Aunt May. They'd figure out the strange threats, and they'd figure out the mysterious park - just like they always did. 



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