Dear Journal (Pt. 3)

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Dear Journal,

I can't stop thinking about him. He's saved me twice already, and I owe him a debt I'll never be able to pay back. My life, once if not twice over. I just wish I knew who he was. I mean, he could be anyone...

"MJ. MJ!" Peter's voice snapped MJ out of her writing haze, and she slammed her journal shut.


"Um - I was wondering if you had any ideas for our project? Is that what you were writing down?" His eyes strayed to her journal, and she covered it with her hand protectively. If either Ned or he found out that she kept a journal, the teasing would never end.

"No," she said defensively, then cleared her throat. "I'm just working on another project."

Peter stared at her. She self consciously placed her journal in her bag and cleared her throat. Her being disorganized in any way was not normal, especially while in class. Peter must think she was sick or something.

"Right," she said, in what she hoped was a decisive tone. "The project. Did you - um, did you have any ideas?"

"Well, I was thinking we could do something with... Um..." Peter scratched the back of his neck. "I don't really know. Something cool. Like - "

"What about Spiderman?" MJ blurted out.

"What?" Peter squeaked, face red.

"Y'know, like how he does what he does! The science behind - well, I guess not the suit, because Tony Stark made that for him, and goodness knows we aren't as smart as him, but the silk stuff he uses maybe?" MJ rambled on, growing more and more enthusiastic with the idea.

"Or, you know, it could just be superheroes in general, like how they heal so quickly..." she trailed off, lost in thought. "That would be harder, though, because we don't have any blood samples."

For a brief moment, she entertained the idea of waiting for Spiderman to save her again and then ask for a blood sample, but that seemed far too intrusive, especially for a superhero who had likely been made that way through illegal experiments.

"What do you think about trying to replicate spidey-silk?" she asked, excited at the idea. But the look on Peter's face was about the exact opposite of excited.

"I don't know..." he mumbled. "Maybe we should take a little longer to think about ideas. Class is almost over, anyway."

Sure enough, the bell chose that moment to ring. "Okay," MJ agreed, gathering up her books. "See you on Monday!"

Boy, was she ready for the weekend. Peter smiled at her and waved goodbye before heading off to find Ned.

She hummed, walking quickly towards her locker. Peter had reacted so quickly when she had brought up Spiderman... She wondered what it could be that would induce a reaction like that.

Unless... no. It couldn't be!

He'd never expressed much of an interest in Spiderman before, but now that MJ thought of it, she could remember a handful of times where he had brought up Spiderman, with an air of studied casualness that wasn't like him.

Was it possible that Peter was a Spidey fanboy? MJ giggled to herself. Knowing him, it was probably a full-blown obsession, too. He was nerdy like that.

God! Do you think...? MJ stopped in the middle of the hallway, a smile blooming on her face. Do you think it was possible that Peter wrote Spiderman fanfic?

Resolving to take any opportunity to discover the truth - had she ever been in Peter's room? Were there posters? - MJ hiked her bag higher up on her shoulder and headed for the doors.

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