Things I Love About You

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This one's short but sweet, I hope you enjoy!

Things that MJ loved about Peter:

The way he smiled when he was tired, late at night, or first thing in the morning when he opened his eyes.

The way he tucked his hands into the ends of his sleeves when he was cold, or being cute. (He was always cute.)

The way he looked at her and only her; that softness in his eyes that made her feel warm and loved and special.

How he always remembered her favourite books.  And how he was perfectly happy spending hours listening to her talk about them. And going to book releases and movie adaptations, and then spend more time listening to her complain about how they didn't do it right.

How they could lay there for hours, snuggled up on the couch listening to music with him playing with her hair.

And when he waited for her at the end of the day, she would always find him smiling at his phone, showing her some cute picture of an animal or a cloud he had seen that day that was just 'So cool, MJ, you have to see it!"

The way his eyes would light up when he was talking about the things he loved, and the time she'd seen him talking to Ned about her, and his eyes had looked the same.

How always knew she was safe around him, and not just because he was Spiderman. Because he always put her first, always cared if she was tired or sad or just off. He never dismissed her feelings, and he was always up for a sleepy day watching reruns of their favourite shows.

When she was sick, he would show up to her house after school with tea and soup and would make her laugh by telling her stories. Little things about his day, what she missed in school, if they had any homework. Anything funny that happened. He would embellish the stories, making them more and more ridiculous until she had a stitch in her side from laughing.

She loved how he couldn't remember what he had for breakfast but knew what she had said the first time they talked, or how she took her coffee.

The way he was so smart, probably smarter than her, but didn't rub it into anyone's faces. He didn't think he was better than anybody, didn't hold any of the stuff he had over anyone.

And she loved how she could make him blush with one compliment. (That worked both ways, though.)

She loved how he would ramble endlessly when he was nervous. It gave her a good excuse to kiss him.

The moment when he had finally gathered up enough courage to ask her out was one of her best memories from high school.

The world knew him as Spiderman, but she knew him as Peter Parker, the sweetest, most caring boy she'd ever met.

And she loved him.

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