After: Prologue

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Spiderman Unmasked: Teen Prodigy Peter Parker Declared Innocent

After the wave of terror that swept over Europe, it was with a sigh of relief that the world saw our enemies defeated and peace restored once more. And it was with shock that we received the horrifying and unbelievable news that Quentin Beck, AKA Mysterio, died to bring us. Footage recovered from Beck's suit revealed the apparent truth - Spiderman, the prodigy of the late Tony Stark, was the true villian, fighting against and killing Mysterio. 

But it was only after several turbulent weeks, dear reader, that we finally discovered the truth: Peter Parker, AKA Spiderman, was innocent, unjustly framed by Mr. Beck, who engineered the whole ordeal in order to appear a hero. 

It's been a whirlwind of a few weeks, but the world is left with one question after all of this: who is Peter Parker really, and did Tony Stark know that his famed prodigy was no more than highschool senior? 

"Why are you reading that?" Ned asked, sliding into the seat beside Peter as he guiltily turned off his phone. "It's trash."

"It just seems weird, you know? That everything's over. That I can finally get on with my life."

"Weird? Dude, it's great! You should be happy! I mean, everything's finally normal for the first time in, what, years? No aliens, no rogue superheroes, no nothing! Knock on wood," Ned said, tapping his fist on the table.

"I don't think that's real wood," Peter pointed out.

"Whatever. It's the thought that counts."

"I am happy. Of course I am. I just can't shake the feeling that it's all to good to be true, you know?" Peter said.

"Come on, man," Ned said, shaking his head. "That's the PTSD and Survivor's Guilt talking, you know that."

"Yeah, yeah," Peter said, smiling. "Like I'm the only one with issues."

"Hey, I've accepted my crazy," Ned said, putting his hands up. After the Blip, he'd started going to a therapist. Peter was happy for him. He thought it was great. But all the diagnoses and therapist talk could wear on his nerves. "Have you?"

"I'm fine." Peter said. "Really. Keeping up my end of the deal." 

After the Blip, after Mysterio and everything that had happened, it was an understatement to say that Peter had been... affected. Ned had been worried, May had been worried, and both of them had wanted him to get help.

But Peter hated the idea of going to someone, of having to say out loud all the thoughts and nightmares and impulses that roamed around in his head. And talking about the events that had happened only made them too real. 

So Ned had made him a deal. May and him wouldn't make Peter talk about. They wouldn't make him go to therapy. But if he felt himself slipping - if he felt it all weighing him down to heavily, if he felt the darkness creeping in, he would tell them. He would come to them for help.

And he'd agreed.

Ned gave him a steady look. "Good." 

"Hey, guys," MJ said, sliding into the seat next to Peter. 

"Hey," he said, smiling. MJ as his girlfriend was still very new and still very amazing: it was better than anything he could have dreamed of. 

She was funny and smart and snarky, and she just fit into his life like she'd always been there. It was pretty great. 

She quirked her lips at him, tangling her fingers with his under the table. To say that they weren't really into PDA was an understatement; with the eyes of the world on Peter, they were doing all they could to stay out of the limelight, and out of the attention of the media.

Like right now, with the entire cafeteria watching them, all they were willing to risk was holding hands. 

"All right, cool it lovebirds," Ned said, sipping from his water bottle. "Everyone's staring."

"Everyone always stares," grumbled Peter. "I wish -"

"Come on, don't pretend like you don't like it even a little bit," Ned said. "Fame! Crowds of fans screaming your name!"

"Yesterday some girl nearly tore my shirt off when I was trying to get into the apartment," Peter said. "I was stopping a robbery and the guy asked for my autograph."

Ned laughed. "It's not that funny," Peter said. "I mean, he apologized for trying to rob the place! I almost felt bad for leaving him for the police."

"It's a new world," MJ said. "And a strange one, at that."

"What's up, homies?" Flash dropped into the seat on the other side of Peter, slinging a friendly arm over his shoulder.

"Speaking of strange," Ned muttered. MJ snorted. 

That was probably one of the other weirdest things in Peter's life: he was popular now. All of his old classmates, especially those who had come on that fateful trip to Europe, were all exceedingly nice to him. Most of them were dealing with some level of fame as well, with reporters and fans constantly hounding for accounts of what it had been like to be there. To be with him. To be right in the center of it all. Luckily, most of them were keeping their mouths shut.

And then there was Flash, who seemed to have decided that he was Peter's new best friend. Peter didn't mind. It was better than being bullied, and it's not like him and Flash were going to be best friends. 

Yes, his new life was weird, and sometimes sad, and most times confusing. But it was a life, and something that for a long time he didn't think he was going to be able to have. 

And as he looked around at his friends, close and not, he realized something. For the first time in a long time, he was looking forward to the future. 

He could see something for himself, out in the world. He would find a place where he fit in.

And that was good. 

Hey! I know this is short, but it's just a prologue to the rest of the story. Once again, I am working off of a prompt from the amazing @KiyanNicole! This story is dedicated to her.

Hope y'all are doing well, and I hope you liked this. 


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