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Sometimes, life isn't easy. Or glamorous. Or fun.

Sometimes it's just miserable and cold. 

"It's not that bad," Peter said, cheerfully.

MJ glared at him from her position on the couch, wrapped up in about ten blankets. "It is FREEZING in here," she said. "Not only that, but we are out of cocoa powder, so I can't even make hot chocolate."

"We'll be getting the groceries delivered soon," Peter said, handing her a cup of tea. "And this is better than nothing, right? And look, it's snowing!"

MJ looked out the window, where flakes were catching on the wrought iron railing of their balcony. The snow was coating everything in a layer of white, muffling the sounds of traffic from the street below.

"How are you always so optimistic?" 

"It's one of my many talents," Peter said, sliding in beside her. "Along with cheering you up. Is it working?"

"Tea is a start," MJ admitted. "At least it's warm."

Peter smiled, and swung an arm over her shoulder, pulling her into him. She let out a sigh, soft, and cuddled closer, resting her head on his shoulder. 

"I suppose this is nice too," she said, words barely a breath against his neck.

"See?" he said, smiling. "Quarantine isn't all that bad. At least we get to spend more time together." 

"I suppose," MJ huffed. 

Peter smiled, sinking into the quiet, sinking into the warmth. MJ let out a little sound of contentment, placing her tea down on the coffee table and winding her fingers through Peter's.

He turned, capturing her mouth with his, full of love and lazy with it. Kissing her, tangling his hands through her hair, slow and deep, caught in the knowledge that this was his. This life, this apartment that was all theirs, with the creaky stairs and the window that never closed quite right and the unreliable heating. 

The cat that always sunned itself on their balcony in the summer, and the nosy next door neighbours and the sound of traffic below, people rushing on and on.

MJ wound her arms around his neck, opening up to him like a flower to the sun. He broke away, resting his forehead against hers. 

"You know I love you, right?" he said, quiet and hushed. So full of love it practically spilled out of him.

MJ's eyes beamed at him. "Of course," she said. "Always. I love you," and something about the way she said it, so easy and free, broke something loose in his chest. "I love you," she repeated, quieter. In awe. 

He stroked a strand of hair back from her face. "It's not so bad, is it?" he asked. "We're so lucky, you know that. I have you, that's all I need. I know it's not... good, in the world right now. But at least we have each other."

"At least we have each other," MJ echoed, her face drawn. "A global pandemic, who would've thought."

"Not me," Peter said. "But we're gonna make it through, you know? You and me."

"Yes," MJ said absently, sleepily, nuzzling her head back into the crook of his shoulder. Peter smiled, pulling the blankets higher up around them. Cocooning them in their own little world, the warmth making him drowsy.

He drifted off, MJ in his arms, already asleep - she made the smallest snuffling noises and Peter loved them more than anything. 

And later, their groceries would come, and he would make her hot chocolate and she would back cookies, and they'd play Christmas songs and sing along loudly and a little out of tune, and they'd eat dinner while playing Scrabble or Monopoly.

And maybe the world was a little smaller right now, a little scarier - maybe their apartment was all they had and tomorrow was a little uncertain.

But they had each other, and they would figure it out. One day at a time. 

This one is dedicated to @sunny6205, for the prompt, " a day in the life of Spideychelle stuck at home". I just wanted to write something short and sweet. Regular longer update to follow sometime soon. Love you all,


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