Chapter 9

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Wheein woke up in the hospital bed surrounded by Moonsun and her family. Wheein vision was blurry a little since she just woke up. Wheein saw the wires in her and groaned. CDK was standing next to Wheein holding her hand and Seo-jun was laying next to Wheein fast asleep. Jin-Woo came into the room with food and was surprised to see Wheein awake.

Jin-Woo:Fuck! Your awake! (Puts the food down and hugs Wheein) That smoke almost killed you.

Wheein:How long was I gone for?

Moon(looks down):A week.


Solar:Nothing has happened either. No signs of Jin-won or Hwasa anywhere.

Seo-Jun:Thank you for saving me. I'm sorry your here because of me.

Wheein:It's not your fault don't blame yourself. Your just a kid. I picked my own choices.

Moonbyul:How did you know it was going to blow?

Wheein:I kept hearing beeping me. Then I saw something flash red. Your sons truck was flashing. That's why I told everyone to run. I saw you grab your son but I pushed you out the way and grabbed him myself. If you did it you would've died. He was going to kill you. (Sighs) Why would he do that? Why would he take her?

CDK:We're going to get her back I promise. She's the first person other then your brother I see you care about so much.

Moonbyul:Thank you for saving me and my son Wheein.

Wheein:Was I right about you two?

Solar:Nope. Moon and I are just friends for now. Once everything settles down we are going to try.

Moon:But for now let's focus on getting Hwasa back. I'm sending my son to the states where my parents are so he's safe.

CDK:Where would he take Hwasa?

Wheein(takes the iv out):We need to find her now.

Moon:Whoa hey wait just a minute. I'm sure Hwasa is okay right now. But you need to take a moment.

Wheein:Fuck that! She fucking gave her life to save mine. I'm not staying here.

Solar:So you two had sex again huh?

Wheein:Fuck off what does sex have to do w- (Sighs) I'm sorry. Yes we did. I kept coming onto her. There you heard right we had sex while you two Kept calling her. I hung up the phone because I was so hungry for her. I was finally getting attention and I was craving all of her attention in that moment. So you think I'm just going to stay still while hes doing who knows what to her. All I know if I see bruises on her I'm killing him! (Gets dressed and looks at her phone) I'm going to find her. (Leaves)

Everyone followed Wheein and arrived to the station. Everyone at the station tried to pinpoint where could she be but nothing would come up. Wheein tried to think but nothing was coming a cross. Wheein looked at board and stared at it for a while. Wheein placed her finger where they were and put a thumbtack there. Wheein closed her eyes and her hand guided to up to Busan but then traveled to Jeju Island. Wheein frozen and placed another thumbtack.

Wheein:That's where he is. I found you you little shit.

CDK:Why would he be in Jeju?

Wheein:Because no one would think a killer would spend his time on an island.

Moonbyul:That's smart. Let's go now.

Wheein:No. Dad and my brother should do first. You two need a make over.

CDK:We will scout it out and tell you to come when it time. Now let's go Jin-Woo.

Jin-Woo:Be careful.

Wheein(sighs):Your real name is Gun-Woo.

CDK:Lets go.(Leave with Gun-Woo)

Wheein(watches them leave and looks at Moonsun):You two will need to act like a rich couple. I know how to sneak in. I'll give you the signal when you two should walk in. One wrong movie he could kill Hwasa. My brother will cut the cameras. Dad will have his own ways. I'll get him while you to get Hwasa. Now let's go also drive a fancy car. (Leaves)

Moon(nods):Who made Wheein the leader?

Solar(slaps the back of Moon head):Lets go.

Jeju Island

Moonsun was holding hand while looking around at the building. Moonsun was dancing while Wheein was hiding in the shadows. CDK gave Wheein a signal and Wheein followed a guy. She grabs his keycard and signaled Moonsun. They walked into a room using the keycard and looked around. Wheein climbed to the roof while everyone was searching but went into hiding after hearing footsteps.

Jin-Won:It's been a week Hwasa and no one has came for you! Just give up you can't escape.

Wheein(gets angry and was about to move but gets stop by Moon)

Hwasa(holding a gun):I'm tired of this shit! Only thing you do is leave me here 24/7 some kidnapper you are. I sent the police your location. They know your here!

Jin-Won:Quiet! That's not true.

Hwasa(cocks the gun):Really? I'm sneaky just like you. (Looks at her watch and realizes) Remember when you said no one will look for me? Well your wrong. (Gives a signal to Wheein)

Hwasa grabbed the knife from her heel and stabbed the guy in the neck. Hwasa grabbed the other knife and stabbed the other side of his neck.

Hwasa:That's for trying to touch me. Not only that. Watching me in my sleep.

Wheein jumped down on him slamming his head into the ground. The blood started to spill out everywhere. CDK men started cleaning up the area while the guy stared at Wheein. Wheein raised her two thumbs and pushes it into the guys eyes. He started to scream while trying to stop Wheein. His eyes gushed as Wheein bust open his eyes. She grabbed a napkin and cleaned her thumbs off and toss the napkin on his dead body.

Wheein:Clean yourself up. You look a mess sergeant.

Hwasa:Wheein? You got the hint?! (Smiles and hugs Wheein) I knew it you would figure it out. Thank you! I knew I could count on you.

Wheein(hugs Hwasa back):Im glad your okay.

Hwasa(looks at Wheein):How are you feeling? I know you were in the hospital.

Wheein(pouts):They out fucking needles in me at the hospital.

Hwasa(chuckles):Aww poor baby. (Hugs Wheein again)

Moon(coughs):I guess we just covered up for no reason.

Solar:Yeah. I guess we just got shot at for no reason.

CDK:I mean seriously. I guess we just planned this whole thing out for no reason. We don't get no love either?


Hwasa went up and hugged Moonsun CDK and Gun-Woo.

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