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"[walks along the busy streets of Shanghai.  All spoken inside her head].  Life is a word that serves many meanings.  It can just be simplified as the creations of God.  It can mean something about nature.  The life that surrounds us every waking hour.  To me, life means none of those.  Life is the very thing we bring to the table.  The potential we are capable of and are using to its greatest potential.  What we want to spend the rest of our existence on.  And I for one know my life's greatest potential.  My name is Fei Wu.  I am fourteen years old.  A couple of weeks ago, I finally was able to live up to my life's purpose.  My life's desire.  Becoming the next guardian, and being Shanghai's savior from evil.  This is where my alter-persona comes in.  Ladydragon.  Thanks to the Prodigious, I possess the power of eight animals.  Eagle, bear, dragon, tiger, horse, mantis, monkey, and snake.  With them, I can become a force of good to be reckoned with.  Someone strong enough to save hundreds of lives from evil.  [In flashback, we see her fight crime in these animal forms].  However, it's not that easy.  There is more to the Prodigious than one thinks.  It requires me to channel all the values my Father taught me before his departure.  Without them, I can't live up to my purpose.  But no matter the pain, I keep my head in the game.  Whatever threat comes my way, I will be ready to stomp anyone who dares hurt my home, my friends, anyone."  Fei said. 

After that monologue, she has now arrived at some crummy apartment complex.  She takes a deep breath, then walks inside.  Once in, she uses a key to enter one of these apartment buildings.  The inside of it isn't the luxury home one would die for.  It's dark, it's crooked, there is water dripping from the ceiling, there is only one window, one single couch, one bathroom, one stove, and that's it.  "[sighs].  If only financially I can be set, then all would be awesome."  Fei said.  That's when all her kwami spirts, and Mei Shi come forth.  "Come on.  This place isn't that bad."  Tul said(FYI, he is the dragon renling for those who forgot.  He originally was named Longg, but so is the dragon kwami Longg, which I don't know why.  The name change was done to avoid confusion).  "Yeah.  It always could be worse you know?"  Ying replied.  "I'm living in a crappy apartment building with no light, no energy, and no fresh anything,"  Fei said.  "But you could be living on the streets right?  You could have no shelter.  So if it were to rain, you would be soaked."  Mei Shi replied.  "Hmm, good point.  Ok, I'll admit, I'm complaining here.  But can you blame me?  Even my delivery job isn't enough to satisfy this place.  I mean, can you imagine all the desires I could fulfill if my boss just paid me a little more?  Better couch, better windows, I can stop the water dripping, I can do so much.  But I can't have any of that because we are broke."  Fei complained.  "Easy, Fei.  Don't let greed get to you.  Remember what happened to the last greedy guy?"  Tang asked.  "Yes.  He got his throat slit after a psychopath tried to make me do the job for him."  Fei replied.  "So, don't let the greed get to you.  Be patient, and all good will come to you."  Tang said.  "But I'm poor,"  Fei replied.  "Fei, come on now.  You've been through much worse things in life."  Ma said.  "Again, I know, and I apologize for my whining.  It's just so hard to keep this up."  Fei replied.  "You'll get through this champ.  We know you can."  Xiong said.  "I mean, at least I have you guys,"  Fei replied.  "There you go.  Think of the positives over the negatives."  Hu said.  Soon, Fei hears screams outside.  They look, and she sees someone about to be robbed by some robbers.  "Classic street thugs?  Now this is going to make my day.  You ready team?"  Fei asked.  "As always."  Everyone replied.

The people down below scream their lungs out, as the robber approaches them.  "Let's see boys.  Which one should we rob first?"  Robber asked.  "Hmm, she has no drip, he looks dirty as heck, ahh, but she has a nice purse.  Imagine how much we can buy with that?"  Robber asked back.  "Yeah, I like that.  Let's ruff her up."  Robber replied.  "Sorry gentleman, but there will be no ruffling today,"  Ladydragon said as she stood on a rooftop.  "Ahh, the Legendary Ladydragon.  Savior of Shanghai.  What are you doing to do to stop us?  Morph into an animal?  So predictable."  Robber taunted.  "Yes, but you never know what animal, nor my favorite element.  Element of surprise.  Tang."  Ladydragon said as she morphed into a mantis.  "And she is gone?  Cool.  Makes our job easier."  Robber said.  Before he goes to snatch the purse, one of the robbers feels itchy.  Soon, he leans his hand forward and punches the lead robber in the neck.  "Ow!  What the heck dude?"  Robber asked.  "I'm sorry, I..."  Robber replied before he smacked him in the face again.  "Ok, stop it!"  Robber yelled.  "I'm trying,"  Robber replied.  Soon, he moves out of control.  His body acting not in the most human way.  He then snatches the other robber's crowbar and uses it to bash the other one in the head.  "Ok, what the heck, bro?!"  Robber asked.  "I can't control myself!"  Robber yelled.  Soon, the lead robber feels itchy, and then he kicks the robber with the crowbar to the ground.  As the robber tries to get up, the lead robber repeatedly slaps him in the face.  Over, and over, and over again.  Before he then uppercuts him to the ground.  "Ahhh, what on Earth is this witchcraft?!"  Robber panicked.  "Just the power or morphing,"  Ladydragon replied as she reformed.  She then punches the lead robber in the face.  Putting him on the ground cold.  The victims look at Ladydragon and then clap.  "Here.  Allow me to help you all up."  Ladydragon said.  "Why, thank you Ladydragon.  How sincere of you."  The old woman replied.  "Just doing my job keeping you all safe.  Nothing more, nothing less."  Ladydragon said.  She helps them all up and waves them goodbye as they all walk away.  "Now, let's take care of you crooks,"  Ladydragon said.  Ladydragon takes care of putting these crooks where they belong. 

However, unknown to her, an invisible presence is afoot.  It's a clawer.  "[presses earpiece].  Sir, all is going to plan."  Clawer said.  At Essence's base, he sits in his computer room, with two clawers working computers.  "What an amateur.  Being too strong, too overconfident, and too proud of herself.  Unknown to her the fact that she is suffering more than a fourteen needs to."  Essence said.  Essence then nods his head to one clawer in the room.  It nods back and then presses a video call button.  The call gets answered by a figure hidden in the shadows.  "Is the bait set?"  Figure asked.  "Yes.  The time has come for you, and your boys to hold your end of the deal.  Remember our little agreement.  Bring me the Prodigious and the Jade Lion miraculous, and you'll receive the payment."  Essence replied.  "I still don't know if I should trust you on this."  Figure said.  "If you want to cash out, that's fine with me.  Saves me the money."  Essence replied.  "Did I say not sure, I meant I'll do as you wish, boss."  The figure said scared.  "That's what I thought.  Don't disappoint me either.  You know what I do to those who disappoint me."  Essence replied.  "Yes, sir."  The figure said as the call ended.  Soon, Essence giggles villainously, as he is ready to start up another batch of mayhem.

The Legends of Ladydragon Season 1: Legends Never DieWhere stories live. Discover now