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We start with Fei, who has once again returned to Hank's store. "And then he doesn't pay me the twenty all because I got an order later. So much for a good boss." Fei said in anger. "What a jerk. If you were my delivery girl, I would still pay you the whole thing. Of course, I would. Of course, I would. I'm not some greedy scum who will keep cash if you fail." Hank replied. "At least you get how to treat people right," Fei said. "Of course I do. That's one of the best ways to succeed." Hank replied.  Fei then chugs her bowl of soup.  "So, does that mean you couldn't pay rent?"  Hank asked.  "Oh, I did,"  Fei replied.  "Really?!  That's surprising."  Hank said surprised.  "How so?"  Fei asked.  "I mean, you said you couldn't pay rent unless you got the cash from your job.  How did you pull off the rest of the cash?"  Hank asked back.  "Uhhh, [remembers selling cash on the ground] I found some loose change.  Yeah.  That's it."  Fei replied.  "Sweet.  Glad you managed to pull it off."  Hank said.  "Same,"  Fei replied.  Unknown to Fei once more, three Nitro Ninjas spy on her from above.  "So she is now struggling to turn into an animals?  This could be the advantage we needed from the start boys."  Nitro Ninja said.  "Of course, but how do we know she isn't faking it?  I mean, she turned into a tiger, and threw us away, literally.  What if she is playing with us?"  Nitro Ninja asked.  "She takes her job seriously.  No way she would fake her power struggle to mess with us."  Nitro Ninja replied.  "Valid point.  So, are we going to do this, or what?"  Nitro Ninja asked.  "Why do you think we are here?  Of course, we are.  Let's light it up, gang."  Nitro Ninja replied.

As Fei finishes her drink, she spills it after a loud bang goes off.  She looks and sees the Nitro Ninjas on the rooftop causing havoc like always.  "[slams money on the table].  Got to go.  Thanks for the meal, Hank."  Fei said as she ran away.  "Not a problem, Lady, I mean, Fei,"  Hank replied almost blowing his cover.  There Nitro Ninjas laugh as they cause more mayhem like they do.  When suddenly, Ladydragon appears behind them.  "Sup, light heads.  Back for more I see?"  Ladydragon asked.  "As always.  This time, your Prodigious and your little lion are going to be ours."  Nitro Ninja declared.  "Likely story.  Why do you even want it?"  Ladydragon asked.  "Don't ask us.  Ask Firefly."  Nitro Ninja replied.  "Firefly?"  Ladydragon asked.  "Yep.  He is our boss who gave us this assignment.  And he is going to pay us loads when we bring him home to new pieces of drip."  Nitro Ninja replied.  "Uhh, you do realize we weren't supposed to tell him that right?"  Nitro Ninja asked.  "Wait, we weren't?"  Nitro Ninja asked back.  "Ha!  Idiots.  Okay, let's get this over with because we know where this is going.  Xiong!"  Ladydragon said.  All of a sudden, she doesn't turn into the bear she is supposed to.  She stays as herself.  "Uhh, Xiong!  [nothing happens].  Xiong!  XIONG!  XIONG!  XIONG!"  Ladydragon yelled.  She keeps calling for Xiong's name, and nothing happens at all.  "Excellent, time for us to shine."  Nitro Ninja said excitedly.  She dashes to Ladydragon and kicks her in the gut.  Sending her into a chimney, before rolling off the roof.  She hits the ground hard.  "[looks down at her].  You... just hit her.  We landed a hit on her."  Nitro Ninja said shocked.  "Which means we won't go back to the losers today.  Let's roast her boys."  Nitro Ninja replied.  They all jump down and go to attack Ladydragon, who moves out of the way before she gets hit.  "Ok, Tul!"  Ladydragon yelled before nothing happened.  "Uhh, Ma!  [nothing].  Ok, Hu!  [nothing].  Hou!  [nothing]."  Ladydragon yelled.  She then gets sucker punches in the face, before one of the ninjas grabs her by the leg.  She chucked her into a wall once more, before another one ran up, and kicked her in the knee.  Now on the ground, the Ninja slashes her with his katana, as another one jumps in, and stomps on her head.  The one who slashed her then grabs Ladydragon and slams her to the ground.  The ninjas proceed to beat the living life out of Ladydragon.  Stomping, kicking, punching, even slashing.  They gave her a nasty treatment.  After five minutes of non stop pain, Ladydragon is done for.  "Now, let's get her jewels for the boss."  Nitro Ninja said.  "No.  There is one last thing we have to do first.  [opens a garbage can, and shoves Ladydragon in it].  There, now we are done."  Nitro Ninja replied.  "What about the jewels?"  Nitro Ninja asked.  "The boss said let her suffer first.  We'll deal with that when the time comes."  Nitro Ninja replied.  "God that is so stupid of him.  But hey, we obey his orders.  Let's move."  Nitro Ninja said, as all three of them leave.

Later that night, Ladydragon finally wakes up after a long day of beating.  She climbs out of the trash covered in moldy junk.  "Well, that didn't go so well.  [renlings appear].  What the heck guys?!  Why didn't you help me?!"  Ladydragon asked in rage.  "You didn't show any values from what I've seen.  We couldn't give you the powers."  Tul replied.  "So you let me get a beat down?"  Ladydragon asked.  "The rules are simple, Fei.  You show the value, we give you the power.  You don't show us the value, no powers then.  Sorry, those are the rules."  Mei Shi replied.  "Well that's insane.  Of course I have the values.  I'll prove it next time."  Ladydragon said.  She walks out of the alley, before she sees something.  "Huh?  [picks up item].  A lost wallet.  [opens it].  With tons of cash!  Nice!  [looks at ID].  Henry Stone?  Hmm, better go return this to him.  [goes to return it, before she stops.  Thinks about the money inside, and what it can do for her.  Rent, food, new stuff.  All of it].  Actually, I'll do it tomorrow."  Ladydragon said.  "Wait, you aren't going to return the wallet?"  Mei Shi asked.  "I said I'll do it tomorrow.  Besides, it's late out, so he's probably a sleep.  I'm a hero, not a stalker.  Now come, we have some spending, I mean, rest we need."  Ladydragon replied.  The renlings and Mei Shi are then forced to go with Fei.  All of the worried as to what their Legend has become.

The Legends of Ladydragon Season 1: Legends Never DieWhere stories live. Discover now