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We start at the abandoned lighthouse where Firefly and the Nitro Ninjas hide. Inside, Firefly yeets the one ninja who he mentioned to Ladydragon against the wall. The ninja screams as the others watch in horror. Firefly approaches the ninja he throws, then picks him up. "You better give me one toasty reason I shouldn't fire you right now?! Literally!" Firefly yelled as he prepared to use one of his flamethrowers on the ninja. "Master, please. It was a slip. I didn't mean to expose your name." Nitro Ninja begged. "Ok, ok. And I didn't mean to do this." Firefly said as he torched the ninja's foot. The ninjas scream in pain, as the others shiver in fear. The torched ninja is then thrown to the foot. "Now tell me, what else is there to say about your mission?" Firefly asked. "Well, we did beat Ladydragon for once. So that was nice." Nitro Ninja replied. "What?!" Firefly asked surprised. "It's true. We did defeat her." Torched Nitro Ninja replied. "[kicks torched ninja in the head]. I didn't ask you. You said what now other ninjas?" Firefly asked. "You heard us. We defeated her, and we will go into details. First..." Nitro Ninja replied before he was interrupted. "Save it! Just tell me what helped you win?" Firefly asked. "Well, Ladydragon shouldn't turn into animals, and that's it. Impressive right?" Nitro Ninja asked back. "Yes. Very impressive. So Essence's interest was right after all. Ninjas, go back to Shanghai and keep up this pace." Firefly replied. "Yes sir!" Nitro Ninja replied as they ran off. "Sir, why can't we just kill her now? We can get the job done with just like that?" Torched ninja asked. "Because my little ninja, I want exactly what Essence wants from this. I want to see that dragon suffer. Especially after what she did to me." Firefly replied in a sinister tone.

    Back with Fei, she is sitting on her musty couch looking through the cash she got from her big paycheck. "So, Fei, how do you feel?" Hou asked. "Great. I got mad cash that can pay my bills for the next three weeks. Look at this. Five hundred dollars in one wallet." Fei replied very happy. "True, but you do realize you stole the money, right?" Hou asked. "Yes, but finders keepers, losers weepers. Besides, I did this all the time to survive before I met you all." Fei replied. "But that is stealing, and it's very bad," Ma said. "It's only a temporary thing. I'll stop doing it once I get my life back on track. In the meantime, I need to see what else this man has." Fei replied excited to go through the cash. This is where the renlings get very nervous. They all fly away from Fei. "OK team, we have a problem. Our Fei has become a criminal, and this is only going to grow worse from here." Hou said. "No kidding. Can't believe this was her before she became a superhero. Poor Fei." Ma replied. "Never fear guys, we need a game plan to save Fei. If this continues, who knows what else she will steal." Mei Shi said. "Or how greedy she will become. Remember that Cash dude she told us about? Dude was pure psycho." Tang replied. "Yes, he was. He can embrace the flames wherever he is now." Mei Shi said. "Back on track. How can we convince Fei to stop being this thief?" Hou asked. "We could remind her stealing is bad," Hu replied. "We just did, and it failed," Hou replied. "We could comfort her," Tang said. "Comfort won't work either. Come on guys. We need better ideas." Hou inspired. "We could stage a crime where she is going to steal from someone, have it go wrong, so that can traumatize her enough to stop stealing," Tul said. The other renlings and Mei Shi look at Tul with horror. "What? It works in the movies." Tul said. "Yeah, but one, we are ghosts, and two, that is just messed up," Hou replied. "Just a suggestion," Tul said. Before they can think again, they hear the laugh of Nitro Ninjas outside. "Guys! We have company!" Fei yelled. "We speak about this later. Coming Fei!" Hou yelled as the others flew to Fei.

    Outside, the ninjas are once again at it again. Using their nitro style to cause crimes. They laugh all while committing these crimes. That's when Ladydragon once again shows up to stop them. "Ah yes. The Nitro Ninjas. Back for more pa..." Ladydragon said before she got kicked into a stand. As she recovers, the ninjas charge at her. "No talk? Fine. Let's fight! Hu!" Ladydragon yelled. However, she turns into nothing. So she embraces more pain when one Nitro Ninja stomps on her gut. The others then grab her and throws her into another stand all while people run away screaming. The ninjas laugh as Ladydragon gets back up. "Tang! [nothing]. Uhh, guys, where are you at?! Hou! [nothing]. Tul! [nothing]. Anyone?! ANYONE?!" Ladydragon screamed. That's when the ninjas use their katana to slash her legs. Ladydragon screams as she falls to the floor. Another ninja kicks her in the face and sends her to the floor. She tries to get up, but the ninjas only grab her and start beating her up like they did yesterday. Punching her in the face, and even slamming her head against a pipe. They make short work of Ladydragon. In the end, she is once again a beaten mess after one ninja socks her in the face. Ladydragon falls to the ground defeated. "Quick, simple, beneficial. GG boys." Nitro Ninja said as they fist bump. Soon, the ninjas walk away from the corpse that is Ladydragon. After they leave, she slowly gets back up and limps her way out of there. She eventually turns back into Fei, walks back into her apartment, and falls face-first onto her couch. She then passes out, as the renlings float over her with sad faces. "We are in a real pickle here gang. A real nasty pickle." Hu said. "Yes, we are, Hu. And I'm scared right now. If this continues, we might be in big trouble, and who knows what will happen if the Nitro Ninjas, and whoever Firefly is wins." Hou replied with fear in his voice.

The Legends of Ladydragon Season 1: Legends Never DieWhere stories live. Discover now