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Fei begins her day back at the restaurant she works at.  As always, it's a mess.  Chefs rush to get food taken care of, as their boss Lenny treats them like servants.  "Come on you worthless pieces of crap!  My dead grandmother can cook faster than you slugs!"  Lenny yelled.  Fei then runs right in, after completing another order.  "There you are!  You are five minutes behind schedule."  Lenny yelled.  "I'm sorry sir.  I was delayed a bit."  Fei replied.  "Delayed, laid off.  I couldn't care less!  [picks up the order, and puts it into Fei's hands].  Remember the consequences if you fail to deliver this on time, Fei."  Lenny said.  "Yeah, you soul-sucking jerk,"  Fei whispered.  "What was that?!"  Lenny yelled.  "Yeah, you handsome soul of a man,"  Fei replied.  "That's what I thought.  Now move!"  Lenny yelled.  Fei then growls in rage at Lenny's treatment of her.  She makes it outside to take care of the next order.  She straps the food on and hops on her motorbike.  She then drives off.  "So Fei, do you think you can make money without resorting to stealing cash this time?"  Mei Shi asked.  "Are you guys still upset about that?  Look, it's only temporary.  I'll be back to the Fei you know and love soon enough."  Fei replied.  "We are concerned Fei,"  Ma said.  "Recently, you've been getting your butt whooped by bad guys left and right.  Maybe it's time to chill for a moment with the stealing."  Hou recommended.  "Again, it's a temporary thing.  I'll be fine."  Fei said.  The renlings then fly there is worry and disappointment.  As Fei drives, she is once again stalked by ninjas.  "Do you guys think it's weird how we always start by stalking her?"  Nitro Ninja asked.  "Meh.  It'll get better next time."  Nitro Ninja replied.  The ninjas then make their move, as Fei, unknown to the ninjas, drives off.

Fei keeps on driving, even doing a little whistle as she drives.  Soon enough, her drive gets crashed when a Nitro Ninja throws a bomb at her cycle.  She moves out of the way and screams before she crashes her bike into a lamppost.  She hits the ground hard before she sees the ninjas causing a mess as they always do.  "Great, more ninjas.  [looks at the time].  I can make that work."  Fei said.  "I know you should be focused on Justice, but maybe you should go into battle when you have the eternal values on your side,"  Tul replied.  "Tul!"  Everyone yelled.  "What?  Not my fault she can't turn into an animals."  Tul replied.  "Relax guys, I got this.  [cracks neck].  Ok you ninja punks, let's see how you can handle the fury of a master of shape-shifting."  Fei said.  She runs to an alleyway, and like always, transforms into Ladydragon.  The ninjas keep on laughing before Ladydragon comes in, and jump-kicks one of the ninjas.  they all then face the legend herself.  "Ahh, the so-called Legendary Ladydragon.  It's hard for me to see you like that since we kept on dominating you in combat."  Nitro Ninja said.  Ladydragon then backhands the ninja.  "So, no room to talk?  Fine with us.  Let's dive right into the action."  Nitro Ninja replied.  The last two go to fight Ladydragon, but she dodges their attacks easily.  She then runs and kicks both of them into a wall.  The other one she jump-kicked comes back, but Ladydragon grabs his arms from behind and slams him onto the ground.  The ninja she then backhanded tackles her, but Ladydragon then grabs his face and smashes it to the floor.  She gets back on her feet.  "Huh?  Guess she is trying for once."  Nitro Ninja said.  "I'm just getting warmed up.  Tul!"  Ladydragon yelled as she turned into nothing.  The ninjas then laugh at her face.  "I said, Tul!  Where you at?"  Ladydragon asked.  The other ninjas keep on laughing.  "Well boys, it's our turn."  Nitro Ninja said.  They all then bomb rush Ladydragon.  Tackling her to the floor, and proceeding to beat her relentlessly.  Kicks, punches, stomps, you name it.  Before long, the legend is back where they see her.  On the floor defeated, and spoiled.  "Great jobs boys.  The boss is going to love us for this."  Nitro Ninja said.  Soon, they all leave and laugh at their victory once again.  As for Ladydragon, she slowly gets up, before looking at her bike.  "Oh great!  The food is ruined!"  Ladydragon yelled as she saw the food splattered on the floor.

"So you were two hours late, and gave them food that was spoiled?"  Lenny asked.  "I had no choice.  I was trying to get the job done."  Fei replied.  "Fei, we believe in quality here.  Quality is the best part of any business.  It shows the dignity, and the passion one puts into their products.  And you my friend, have spoiled it.  Literally."  Lenny said.  "Sir, it won't happen again.  I swear."  Fei replied.  "Oh, I know it won't.  You're fired."  Lenny said.  "Excuse me?"  Fei asked.  "It won't happen again.  Because you are no longer a part of this team.  In cooking terms, I've trimmed the fat and left it to rot in the trash.  The fat is you, and the trash is your life."  Lenny replied.  "Lenny, I need this job.  It's important to me."  Fei begged.  "Shut it!  Leave no, before I use force to take you out."  Lenny threatened.  "[sighs].  Yes, sir."  Fei replied.  She then walks out of the restaurant upset at losing her job.  "I thought you hated this place, especially Lenny?"  Mei Shi asked.  "It was the only job I had left, Mei!  Without it, I am doomed to die of poverty!"  Fei yelled.  "Easy, Fei.  You can bounce back from this."  Hou said.  "Oh, I did,"  Fei replied as she pulled out Lenny's wallet.  "Fei!  No!"  Mei Shi yelled.  "I don't care what you say.  I'm here to survive, not die.  It's already bad enough that I keep losing to some goons.  I refuse to have it go any deeper than here."  Fei replied.  "But..."  Mei Shi said.  "No buts!  I have what I need, and now we are going home."  Fei ordered.  She then walks him from her let-off job.  All while the renlings grow more worried at what Fei has become.

The Legends of Ladydragon Season 1: Legends Never DieWhere stories live. Discover now