Chapter 6: Sleepless Night

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Priya P.OV

It has been raining for quite a few hours now. The sound of raindrops pouring on my room window is somehow giving me a kind of peace which seems to be a foreign feeling to be now.

 The sound of raindrops pouring on my room window is somehow giving me a kind of peace which seems to be a foreign feeling to be now

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It is almost 4 a.m. and still, there is not an ouch of sleep in my eyes. Maybe it's because I don't want to sleep. Sleeping means being vulgar of your surroundings where anything can happen to you like those times he tried to touch me.

No Priya don't think about that time. It is in the past now. He is not here nobody is here to punish you or to make you do something which you don't want to do. You have your brother and Kalpana with you. They love you they will not hurt you.

These are the thoughts I have to repeat myself like a broken record again and again to make myself feel safe and to avoid more panic attacks.

I always used to think about how a person can change in such a short period. It is kind of impossible how a person's nature and behavior can be converted into something they are not.
But here look at me today those 2 years of my life took everything from me. The day I lost my parents I didn't just lose them I even lost myself.

After 8 years, here I am back again in this place that used to be my home but why it does not feel like home now? I lived my whole life in this city but why does it feel like I am still lost somewhere?

Zaid Bhai thought it would be a good idea to come back here as it would help me to have better mental health. He thinks I don't know why he applied to join Jaipur Hospital when he was working perfectly fine in London. I know he wanted to come back here so I can feel close to my surroundings and can be old Priya.

But the old Priya is dead. She is no more. It's not that she did not try to be saved but in the end, she got tired. Now this new Priya does not need anything in her life. I am happy in my room with my books. Talking to others can lead to several punishments and problems. I have learned that chapter in the hard way.

I still have many burns and belt marks on my body which still feel so real that I am still stuck in that room. They are again burning me with hot rod but I swear I didn't do anything this time. I was just telling a person's address I didn't even know him. But they didn't believe me and burned me as a reminder of what would happen the  Next time I talked to anyone.

I looked at my hands and realized they were shaking badly. I again started having an anixiety attack. No, it can't be happening now. What should I do? Deep breath Priya deep breath.

As time passed my shaking was turning uncontrollable and tears started falling from my eyes like there was no tomorrow. My breathing was going uneven and I am sure I am about to faint. But suddenly a pair of hands hugged me tightly and started saying something.

Who is holding me and what are they saying?
Why i am not able to hear them? What's going on?

The moment I was about to give I heard, "It's ok Priya, I got you. You are safe. I am here. Your brother is here. They are not here. No one is going to hurt you now. Take a deep breath. Yes like this. Very good my baby. "

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