Chapter 10: Reject Her

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Rajveer P.O.V

When they finally left, My parents and Armaan came back into the living room and Mom asked Armaan to use one of the guest rooms for tonight.

They were about to leave the room when I called them
"Reject her. Reject Priya"

My parents looked surprised by my sudden outbreak whereas Armaan gave me a disappointed look.

Weighting the situation my mom said, "Let's talk in the morning. Think once again and we will see what can we do as I like her. Your dad likes her so we don't see any problem with saying yes.
And you young man she is a girl, a human being, not any item to whom we can reject. The Better words have been 'I don't think it going to work between us'. I raised you Better Raj."

" I am sorry Maa"

Let's go she said to Dad and left the room.

" Why? " Armaan exclaimed

" I don't trust her. She can again disappear like before" I told him

"OK, time for some deep discussion. Yes, I am ready for it" he mumbled to himself.

"Raj, I know you are insecure when it comes to her but we don't know exactly what happened thus we can't judge her based on something that is still unclear"

" I am not an insecure person Armaan and she is no one to me so why would I be insecure about her"

He gave me a look that screamed are you stupid, "Do you think we were not aware of your little crush on her? I was even sure that you were in love with her as you were always looking at her like some lost puppy.
Even today not once your eyes left her face then why? "

" Because I don't want to go through another heartbreak. It was already very difficult for me when she disappeared like whoof in thin air. I can't go through that all again. "

" Things are different now. Last time we didn't know what exactly happed and us being her just friends limited our sources to find her. We did not know whom to contact.
But now things will be different you will know her whole family. You will know what going on beforehand as you will be staying with her all the time. And most important you will be her husband. "

I didn't know what to say anymore. I am not ready for the same heartbreak I have already suffered once. If keeping my heart safe requires to be away from her then let it be.

" Raj, why did her family come here today?"

" What kind of stupid question is that for the dinner? "

" What type of dinner? " He asked with a raised eyebrow

" To make her meet me for the marriage proposal"

" So it means her family is looking for a match for her and if you don't want to marry her then someone else will choose her. Priya was pretty before but now she has become more beautiful so it's only a matter of time before they find a perfect match and you lose her forever. "

He got what he wanted a fucking reaction from me as I gave him a death stare.

"Choice is yours, man. You have time till morning to think about it.
But for now, did you notice something? Priya didn't look like our old pri"

I signed and nodded my head. It's not only him who noticed drastic changes in her.

Today Priya was not my Priya. This Priya didn't not have any Spark in her eyes and even the entire time she was physically here but mentally she was in her own World. She didn't smile naturally it was more of a fake smile.
And what the fuck she meant by I don't like coffee.
Coffee was her first love. Dude she even skipped an important exam because she was having a Starbucks coffee.

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