Chapter 22: Facing the Past

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Priya P.O.V

It has been a week since our friend's marriage and our Goa trip. Now we all are busy preparing for my wedding with lots of family drama. My mother's side of grandparents are not happy with Bhai as according to them he can't make decisions about my marriage without their consent.

I don't know why but I have also not been feeling great for the last week as I have this weird and awkward feeling like someone is watching me. Maybe it's just a fear I have after our photos leak issue.
We came to know the photos were distributed by one of the staff members hired on our engagement for the catering services and Veer said he would deal with the person so I left the issue in his hands.

I came downstairs to see Siddharth sitting in the living room with KP and Ruhi was nowhere to be found.
"What's going on?" I asked them while taking a seat opposite to them

"You were aware of Vinita coming back?" KP asked me directly I turned towards Sid who gave me a helpful look.

"Not really, we both met her in Armaan's marriage she was his sister" I told her the truth

"Siddharth wants to approach her again"
I looked at Siddharth with a raised eyebrow I was aware of Vinita's abusive marriage and divorce as Sid told me about it after having a conversation with her.

I was also aware of how they are constantly talking nowadays on the phone so Siddharth being attractive towards her is not a shock to me.

"Did you not like her KP? I asked her to know what she wants

"I know  how important she was for him and how lost he was after her thus have no issues with her and even with her past but I don't know how our parents are going to react They will be here for your wedding as well as Vinita from the Rajveer side so it is his last chance to mend the things properly," she told us seriously and gave a comfortable smile towards Sid in a form of saying I am with you

We were all having some Random conversation about the wedding when our help came in with a box and said It came for me.

"OHHHH! Now we are sending gifts to each other" Siddharth teased me as he was well aware of how much I was missing Veer's presence as we had not once met in the last week.

As soon as he came back he got busy in his business as one of his hotels was in an issue and that problem was taking his whole time. We are only able to send Texts to each other very rarely.

Excitedly I took the box from the helper and started to unwrap it.

My excitement and smile turned into a horrifying look after looking at what was inside. When Sid noticed my face he also came near me and looked inside the box and muttered "What the Fuck?"

Inside the box were my pictures from the last few years while reading books or while eating something somewhere but the latest pictures of mine were of Vanya's wedding and my room of this house.

There were some dead red roses as well but when I looked at them carefully they were the one which Veer gave me on our engagement. How did anybody get them when they were in my room?

At last, there was a letter as well with shivering hands I took the letter out of the box and started reading it.

To My Pia,

Did you miss me, my sweetheart? Now this is a bad thing to get engaged with someone else when you are already engaged to me, How can you forget that Pia?

But don't worry I'll not force you to break your engagement or wedding. Please go ahead and get married because I want you to experience the rejection you will get from every single person who will see your body with all those marks and my brand.

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