Chapter 31

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Trigger warning: mension of abuse, drugs, head voices, self doubt

"YOU WANT TO GO ALONE, TO LONDON TO TESTIFY? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" I never heard Lucy yell, but it's really not pleasant.

"Well, what else am I supposed to do?" I asked calmly.

"YOU SHOULD HAVE DISCUSSED THIS WITH US! WHERE ARE YOU GONNA STAY?" I looked down at my hands. I didn't have time to think about it.

"I... I don't know...." Lucy threw her hands in the air in frustration. Keira, who was quietly sitting next to me, put a hand around my shoulder.

"Lucy, I think you should sit down." Keira suggested, which Lucy answered with a glare.

"Okay. You are not going anywhere. I'll call the lady that you cannot make a decision anyways, you are not 18 yet." I stood up quickly: "What do you mean I can't go? It's my father!"

"He abused you for God's sake, Melissa! Are you that stupid?" As soon as these words left Lucy's mouth, I think she realized what she said.

„Mel I didn't-" I cut her off: „No leave it." I left running up to my room shutting the door behind me. How can she say something like that...she doesn't even know everything that happened.

Maybe she is right!

Maybe you are stupid!

„Shut up." I said to basically no one.


What did you even want to testify for?

Abusive daddy?

Or the fact that you liked it?

„I didn't had control. I didn't liked it."

You sure about it?

Do you want Justice or to see you dad?

I frowned upon what I was doing.

I realized where I was.

My knee hurts....

This is not my room.

I'm on a field...

We are having a game, but I'm on the ground...

My knee....

JJ is sitting right next to me comforting me...

I realized I am crying...

The pain in the knee is increasing...

Suddenly I'm in a hospital bed...

„Mel, omg birdy hey you're up." I looked at the left and see my father's concern eyes.

„I...what..." I tried to understand what was going on.

„They said you torn your ACL I'm so sorry birdy." My...acl?

„Where's Lucy and Keira?" I started to look around.

„Who? Honey did you hit your head too?" He frowned putting a hand on my forehead.

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