Chapter 4

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Gaston tried to eat as cleanly as he could, but somehow it was difficult to coordinate how his mouth moved. Belle hadn't given him the spoon, luckily, because Gaston was quite sure that most of the food wouldn't have ended up in his mouth.

Another spoonful was held up to him, and Gaston eagerly opened his mouth for more food, his stomach feeling a little better, and he smiled happily at Belle while he was munching, trying to ignore the lurking presence of the beast in the room. If he pretended it wasn't there, than surely he would be safe.

A cup of some kind was held to his lips, and he drank from it, even though it was slightly bitter. It was nice and warm, and it helped fill his belly, which barely seemed to have food in there when the bowl was empty. It hadn't been a small bowl, but for a man his size, after not eating for a day and a half, it was absolutely tiny.

Letting out a small sound, he looked pleadingly at Belle, who smiled at him and patted his head, not realising that he could still be hungry after eating the entire bowl. Gently, she wiped the little bits of food from his chin, which had managed to slip out while he chewed.

Gaston frowned, knowing that there was something wrong about this situation, about how Belle was acting and how he was acting, but being so deep in headspace made it hard to realise what exactly. It didn't feel wrong.

"Come on, I think it's sleepy time now," Belle said, lifting up the sheets, and Gaston realised that there wouldn't be any more food.

He was disappointed, but he easily accepted the situation. Going to bed hungry was just like when he lived with his mama. There hadn't always been enough food for him and his six brothers, and she always tried to make sure everyone had a portion, even if it had been tiny.

At least they all got food when she had still been alive. After her dead, well... there were nights he really had gone very hungry, especially during the winter. How often had he survived on the eggs their chickens had laid back then, hiding them away as good as he could from his father.

At least it had just been him and his father that needed to eat from them. His brother's had all been old enough to move away, finding work everywhere and leaving him on his own with the man, who was more drunk then sober and who his mother had tried to shield them from.

Yawning, Gaston brought his thoughts back to his mama instead of his father, and tried to imagine her instead of Belle, tucking in the blankets and making sure he was nice and warm. He put his thumb in his mouth, feeling himself being soothed by the simple thing.

A yawn escaped him when his eyes started to slip closed, the warm medicinal tea helping against the pain and the small soft hand softly stroking his head made him feel safe. It didn't take long before he fell asleep, content in the soft bed for once, almost feeling as if his mama was right here with him.

"So, we'll hear him out tomorrow?" Adam asked Belle softly, having kept silent in the corner of the room while she had tucked the man in, and waiting until the breath had evened out to signal he was asleep.

To be honest, Adam was feeling rather apprehensive about the situation, a bit on edge. He was a caregiver, and instinct did make him yearn to slip next to her, and make sure Gaston was nice and warm in bed, especially when he started to suck his thumb like that, and gave those little content sighs.

On the other hand, his mind screamed to take Belle away from the dangerous man, who had tried to take her away from him and had been on a murdering rampage in the castle. Who knew how dangerous he could still be, and who knew if this was just some kind of ruse to make them lower their defences?

"We'll hear him out tomorrow," Belle agreed, walking up to him and taking his hand in hers while they left the room.

Her tiny hand in his big pax made him realise that he was still in the Beast form. Concentrating on letting the anger slip out of him, he felt himself shrink, and go back in his human form, the feeling just as weird as the initial time he did it.

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