Chapter 8

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Gaston felt his life quickly change after that bath, seeming that both Belle and Adam saw it as permission to treat him like a little. Not that he wasn't a little, and not that he hadn't given permission, but they now felt like they could treat him like one.

And to be honest, not only was it weird to actually go in headspace, it was also weird living in the castle with the Beast.

After some arguing back and forth, Gaston had managed to be left on his own when he was big, but Adam had been adamant that he would not leave the room when he was in his big headspace, citing that he wasn't well enough.

Gaston knew that it was just that he wasn't trusted, but it was fine. He could handle being locked up in the room. The problematic part was that he never knew when he was going to be little.

Sometimes he stayed big for days, being bored out of his mind in the little room. Well, not little, but it was boring and he was an outdoor kind of person. At least his ribs were getting better and the pain was less every day. The medicinal tea did help in that regard as well, and Belle made sure he had his three daily doses of it.

But besides the times he was big, there were other times as well, when Belle or Adam just left disappointed after checking if he was big or little and a moment later when he was all alone he felt himself grow small and was too stubborn to call either of them back.

Most of the time he kept himself busy and only have them return when they came to check on him again, after being little for a couple of hours. Sometimes he was big by the time they came back, and they did inquire if he had been small.

He tried to lie about it, but the Beast seemed to be able to smell when he had soiled his diapers, much to Gaston's embarrassment, and the ease Adam had to lift him and put him on the bed was so weird. Gaston was a big man, and he knew he wasn't light at all, but the few moments he was held in those strong arms made his stomach squiggle weirdly.

One time he had been little, and they had put him to bed, tucking him in nicely and Gaston couldn't help but feel content when Belle pressed a kiss on the top of his head. But when Adam approached, he had startled awake, and closed his eyes tightly while the beast patted his head, his muscles clenched until he felt the hand leave.

When he opened his eyes again, he had been more than glad to notice he hadn't been eaten. The light had been turned out soon after, and he had fallen asleep easily enough but in the middle of the night he had managed to fall out of the bed, hurting his ribs again.

He had cried out hard enough to have them run in the room in the middle of the night, Belle with her hair loose and in a nightgown, the beast wearing just a pair of pants.

"Perhaps a crib could be handy?" Belle asked, seeing the castle doctor check if there had been any more damage to his ribs. Gaston glared at her.

"It was only once," Gaston said, "I was just woozy from the tea,"

"In a crib, you won't have to worry about that," Adam tried, but Gaston shook his head, adamant to stay in the by now familiar room. Luckily the caregivers let him have his way.

Him, Gaston, sleeping in a crib. Hmph, just the sheer thought of it.

Luckily, he managed to stay big during most nights, not falling out of the bed again, and he managed to stay big during the bigger part of the day out of sheer stubbornness. Of course, the proximity of caregivers made it notoriously difficult to stay out, she he did try his best to keep his distance.

Sometimes, he couldn't resist the pull and there was that one time that was too vivid in his memory when he had been little and wet and Belle had come in and. She had patted his crotch and put a finger in there.

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