Chapter 3

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Daenerys did not smile.

She walked to Master Kraznys's palace with purpose and determination. Missandei followed in a new dress, the chain removed from her neck. Ser Jorah, Ser Barristan, and Saera had been given the same instructions, which they all intended to follow more strictly this time.

Whatever Daenerys was about to do, they wanted to see it.

"The master says they are untested," translated Missandei as Master Kraznys stood in the center of his courtyard, other Astapori masters and their families watching curiously as he held up a golden scepter. The Unsullied had been gathered, and all kept their eyes forward even as Dothraki carried in the small covered cage with Drogon inside of it. "He says you would be wise to blood them early. There are many small cities between here and there, cities ripe for sacking. Should you take captives, the masters will buy the healthy ones and for a good price. And who knows? In ten years, some of the boys you send them may be Unsullied in their turn. Thus, all shall prosper."

The man still had a wicked look on his face, showing her all the gathered Unsullied, filling up the entirety of the larger courtyard. Daenerys walked to the small cage, unlatching it and lifting Drogon out of it, holding a chain for all to see.

Master Kraznys and the other Astapori watched in awe as she walked him over, handing him to the vile man, who seized the chain greedily, shoving the scepter into Daenerys's hand.

"Is it done then?" said Daenerys, staring at the scepter. "They belong to me?"

Master Kraznys was struggling to hang on as Drogon flew overhead, trying to get away from this stranger. If he hadn't been fond of Saera, he'd be even less fond of Master Kraznys.

"Iksis ziry gaomagon?" translated Missandei.

"Issa gaomagon," confirmed Master Kraznys. (T: It is done.)

"It is done," repeated Missandei.

"Ziry ōregon se qilōny–" (T: She holds the whip.)

"–you hold the whip–"

"Se aspo ēza zirȳla azantyr–" (T: The bitch has her army.)

Daenerys turned her head upward angrily, walking toward the Unsullied as Drogon cried out behind her, wondering why she'd abandoned him. She lifted the scepter, "Dovaogēdy!" (T: Unsullied!)

Missandei snapped her head toward her, shocked. Daenerys continued once the men readied their shields, "Naejot memēbagon. Keligon." (T: Forward march. Halt.) They obeyed perfectly, bringing a satisfied smile to her face as Master Kraznys continued to struggle with Drogon.

He laughed derisively, "Ivestragon bona aspo zirȳla dyni kessa daor māzigon." (T: Tell that bitch her beast will not come.)

Daenerys whirled around, "Zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor." (T: A dragon is not a slave.)

Ser Jorah and Saera smiled proudly as Master Kraznys's face fell. "Ao ȳdragon Valyrīha?" (T: You speak Valyrian?)

She stood proud as she spoke, "Nyke Daenerys Jelmāzmo hen Targārio Lentrot. Hen Valyrio Uēpo ānogār iksan. Valyrio muño ēngos ñuhys issa." (T: I am Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen. Of the blood of Old Valyria. Valyrian is my mother tongue.)

Missandei smirked at Master Kraznys as Daenerys commanded the Unsullied once more, "Dovaogēdy! Ossēnagon se āeksia, ossēnagon se mentyr, ossēnagon tolvie vala iā qilōny, yn ōdrikagon daor riña. Pryjagon se belma hen tolvie buzdari ao ūndegon." (T: Unsullied! Slay the masters, slay the soldiers, slay every man who holds a whip, but harm no child. Strike the chains off every slave you see.)

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