Final Author's Note

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That concludes Breaker, Broken.

I almost considered making them battle it out but realistically Dany might have managed to kill Saera even if Saera's forces would have lost the war. Obviously, Dany was a lot more vicious in this story than she is meant to be in canon (books and pre-S6/7 depending which you think really started to make the show go to shit).

I decided against it because I didn't want Saera to die. Then, I thought I'd have Jorah kill Dany. But I didn't want that to happen either because even if it meant Saera was free of opposition, she'd never feel good about it. That's not how she operates.

I am satisfied with the ending and I hope you are too!

I've switched the order of my planned stories again, hehe, so surprise surprise, here is my next fic:

Ursa Major (Tormund Giantsbane x OC) —> look for it on my profile!

Mischief Managed,

Sprinting Fox

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