Chapter 14

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The trip was short.

She waited the full three days to give the raven enough time to arrive; Ellaria had picked the swiftest one for the journey. Once she'd packed sufficient warm clothes, she mounted Viserion, the two soaring far out over the sea, avoiding the land and anyone who might catch a glimpse of them.

At the Neck, they dove back down, and found Winterfell was ready for them. Northerners were gathered inside and outside its walls, pointing up at the dragon and scrambling out of the way as Saera guided Viserion to land at its gates.

She beckoned him to fly off and wait for her, hoping he wouldn't cause any trouble. The gates opened, revealing a man with dark hair and a full beard standing beside a young girl with fiery red hair.

"Greetings," she said, striding forward. "You must be King Jon and Lady– well, Princess Sansa."

"And you must be the third queen I've heard of recently," said Jon with a tight smile.

"Future queen," she said.

"You really came with no men?"

"It would have taken too long. And I am not here to intimidate Northerners or show any force. I want to hear what you have to say, Jon Snow. I've been counseled to and there is much to discuss as I look for allies in Westeros. May I–?"

They beckoned her in, leading her past the spectators, who watched the perfect circles her spear made as she tapped it against the snowy ground. Even over her fur coat they could see her knives, arakh, and the sword against her back.

She wasn't at all what they'd been expecting.

"Thank you for welcoming me into your home," said Saera, sitting across the table from them and another man, named Davos Seaworth (apparently he was now something like Jon's Hand, and had served Stannis until recently, having adored Stannis's daughter as if she was his own). "And thank you to your father as well. Were it not for him, I wouldn't have gotten out of King's Landing alive."

"So we heard," said Jon. "Your father burned my grandfather alive, he burned my uncle alive. He would have burned the Seven Kingdoms. And yet... my father rescued you."

"A debt I can never repay," said Saera. "I offer an apology on behalf of my family. My father was a troubled man, but it does not excuse what he did. I swear to you, I am not like him. The gift of life your father gave me was something I seized and used to strengthen myself. Until recently, I was sworn to my sister. Now, I wish to restore peace to Westeros."

"How can we trust you?" asked Sansa carefully. "A woman who would betray her own sister?"

Saera smiled. "If only I could instantaneously show you all the things that have transpired in Essos. You would be surprised I did not come sooner. Yes, unfortunately, my image is that of a traitor, of a usurper. My sister is... much more like King Aerys than I am. She angers more easily than I, she is quicker to slaughter. I decided that was not what this land needed. I took matters into my own hands. My sister would not give you a free North. But I am inclined to do that. In fact, I will. Because the North has practically been independent for the longest time. I see no reason why you should be forcedto stay if you don't want to. Not all kingdoms benefit in the same ways from unity."

This seemed to surprise both of them. "A free North?" repeated Sansa. "You'd leave us be?"

"I don't see why not. Every Kingdom will be given the same choice. I know the Reach and Dorne will remain in the fold. The others, I'm not yet certain. We will leave it up to them to decide." She stared at Sansa for a moment, which apparently made the girl feel flustered. "Forgive me, you... look so much like your mother."

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